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Track when attendees login and join an event virtually in CSV

mariobehling opened this issue · comments

Implement a simple tracking to track when attendees join a virtual part of an event. Track the login time and duration of staying on event pages if possible. If user joins several times also track that. Add the information to the attendee CSV.

Hi @mariobehling ,

Because Attendee need to login if they want to join virtual event, so we can only track based on that logged user, not based on the attendee info.

But we can use the relationship User - Order - Attendee, then we will know which user is attendee, but incase user order multiple tickets, we will not know which ticket holder joining virtual event when they logged with that user.

So I will use the relationship User - Order - Attendee to know which attendee is joining virtual event, and if that user order multiple tickets, I will mark all that ticket holder is joining virtual event.
what do you think?

FYI: @lthanhhieu