fossasia / badgeyay

Attendee Badge Generator for Conferences

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Store assets in our repository rather than calling third party services

kushthedude opened this issue · comments

  • Store assets in our repository rather than calling third party services, As it may tend to call too much third party services and leads to slow loading time.

  • Also some of the assets are not loading

Do you have a list of third party services used or will it require combing through the current code a bit?

@jantznick Thanks for your interest in the BadgeYay, Regarding the issue I just need to store image assets and license assets in our repository rather than rendering them from 3rd party websites.

@kushthedude Can you list the which image and license assets should be stored in the repository
I would like to work on this issues

@kushthedude I would love to work on this. I will send a PR in a day. I have a few questions -

  1. These assets should be stored in badgeyay/frontend/public/images, right?
  2. Where is the docker svg used which is broken?
  3. I couldn't find any images/assets in LICENSE, where are they exactly?

I have sent a PR with all assets used in README stored in reposiitory. I will update it as soon as I figure out about the License assets and broken docker svg. Let me know if you have any suggestions/reviews.