fossasia / badgeyay

Attendee Badge Generator for Conferences

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

URGENT: Make BADGEYAY workable again.

kushthedude opened this issue · comments is not working and also there are many errors in deployment variables and some of the pages break due to depreciated jquery and old functions.
Please make badgeyay functional, So that it can be workable during CODEHEAT-2k20

@abishekvashok This is the issue where we should be focussing our best now. Making any PR other than this related to any useless functionality or any further enhancement to current functionality won't do any good.
@rajvaibhavdubey I would also ask for your help, Please see if you can help us in any way and debug why the production is broke.

@abishekvashok If you think this issue is void, Please let me know I will share various video and gif showing the broke functions in badgeyay.

@kushthedude The site seems functional to me (maybe some problem with mac, if that's what you are using) . I am able to generate and download badges properly.
Screenshot from 2019-08-26 06-37-53


These are only some, There are many,I have already debugged some. Will make PR soon in hope some one dont revert it due to some other bug

If Mac is the case, I will test on Ubuntu and Windows too

Edit 1: Bingo!, The errors are on Ubuntu and Windows too.

@kushthedude Can I help you here in any way?

@kushthedude Can I help you here in any way?

Just done with university exams, will debug it. In the meantime please see if you can work on importing jquery from @ember/jquery as traditional jquery is depreciated a long ago.

@kushthedude Alright.! I will search on it. 🙂

@kushthedude can you open sub issues keeping this a parent one?

@kushthedude can you open sub issues keeping this a parent one?

@abishekvashok I am actually busy for a few days, It would be great if you can look into the same or better if you could fix it, Later we can go on with your Dependency Updation PR

@kushthedude Can I help you here in any way?

Just done with university exams, will debug it. In the meantime please see if you can work on importing jquery from @ember/jquery as traditional jquery is depreciated a long ago.

Should I open a separate issue for this?

@geetchoudhary No need to create a separate issue, create a PR linking to this issue.

@kushthedude What's the status on this issue?

@kushthedude What's the status on this issue?

There are multiple factors for the following, out of which one is the node and ember version. And the depreciated jquery and also the old style of code followed in ES5 of which our project is currently based. Also I am not able to see the where the production server is deployed and Deployment pipelines.

#2168 should make it up