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Types for parentRef

mire-toctoc opened this issue · comments

Does the drag and drop functionality just accepts the use of <ul> and <li> tags?

I'm currently having an issue related to the parent definition, where the error Type 'MutableRefObject<HTMLUListElement>' is missing the following properties from type 'HTMLElement': accessKey, accessKeyLabel, autocapitalize, dir, and 290 more. is present. I've tried different definition types for my parentRef, but is not working. Before this definition, I was trying to use a <div>, but it has the same problem.

Please, give us more information about expected types in both




hooks, so users can avoid having this kind of issues

My implementation:

const parentRef = React.useRef() as React.MutableRefObject<HTMLUListElement>;
	const [imagesList, setImagesList] = useState(images)
			parent: parentRef,
			state: [imagesList, setImagesList]

you can use parent: parentRef, but then you're still going to have issues afterwards with the line below it:

Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'state' does not exist in type 'DragAndDrop<unknown>'

Personally, I've never gotten this to work properly with React unless I use nothing but the demo ul/li implementation with the useDragAndDrop hook. The only documentation otherwise is a 3 line snippet that doesn't even show useful usage, so I'd recommend @hello-pangea/dnd library instead for now.