formio / vue

Javascript Powered forms and JSON form builder for Vue.js

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

[BUG] Formbuilder triggers change event twice

Sefriol opened this issue · comments


Please provide as many details as you can:

  • Hosting type
    • Local deployment
      • Version: 4.12.1-rc.18
  • Formio.js version: 4.12.1-rc.18
  • Frontend framework: latest
  • Browser: Chrome
  • Browser version:

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Install vue-formio
  2. Open Formbuilder
  3. Add a component and save

Expected behavior

Change event should only trigger once

Observed behavior

It triggers twice


It seem that there is already a component in formio that emits change event after component has been removed, updated or saved.

After emitting a change event in:

there comes a second event change that is emitted in:

Even if the line FormBuilder.ts#L67 is commented out, the event will still occur. So, is emitting this event separately necessary?

Workaround for a moment: Just track removeComponent, saveComponent instead.

EDIT: and addComponent

We're currently addressing a backlog of GitHub issues. Closing this thread as it is outdated. Please re-open if it is still relevant. Thank you for your contribution!