formio / ngFormio

JSON powered form rendering library for AngularJS +

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<formio> does not show up

WWWW-W opened this issue · comments


I installed and imported all the dependencies

I not only use the full installation method

<script src=""></script> but also use the basic installation method and use wiredev to import all the dependecies in the index.html

I put , it just does not show up.

And the console gives me a lot of errors related to the import of all the dependencies, e.g.
1.angular-sanitize.js:602 Uncaught TypeError: angular.module(...).provider(...).info is not a function
2.Error: [$compile:iscp]$compile/iscp?p0=formio&p1=options&p2=%3C
3.agular.js:11607 Error: [$injector:unpr]$injector/unpr?p0=%24animateCssProvider%20%3C-%20%24animateCss%20%3C-%20.item-animation

Please compare what you have to which shows it working in Angular 1.

Closing this thread as it is outdated. Please re-open if it is still relevant. Thank you for your contribution!