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@formatjs/intl-localematcher documentation is wrong... incorrect order

UROjQ6r80p opened this issue · comments

@formatjs/intl-localematcher documentation is wrong...

According to this should be the correct order:

const { match } = require("@formatjs/intl-localematcher")

// order here should not matter
const websiteLocalesUnordered = [

// order here should not matter
const websiteLocalesUnordered2 = [

// taken from header 'accept-language'
const userLanguagesOrdered = [

const fallbackLng = 'en';

// Wrong
console.log(match(userLanguagesOrdered, websiteLocalesUnordered, fallbackLng)) // => 'pt'
console.log(match(userLanguagesOrdered, websiteLocalesUnordered2, fallbackLng)) // => 'pt-br'

// Correct
console.log(match(websiteLocalesUnordered, userLanguagesOrdered, fallbackLng)) // => 'pt-br'
console.log(match(websiteLocalesUnordered2, userLanguagesOrdered, fallbackLng)) // => 'pt-br'

This is correct order:
match(websiteLocalesUnordered, userLanguagesOrdered, fallbackLng)

There is no clear indication which is which, nextjs in their examples also uses incorrect order

I think it should be clearly stated which part is a list of app/website available locales (unordered) and which is derived from the browser/user device (ordered)

nvm, my mistake