formapro / FpOpenIdBundle

Symfony2 OpenID security extension

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

even stable versions require minimum-stability set to "dev" in composer.json

rajkosto opened this issue · comments

otherwise it won't satisfy fp/lightopenid dependency and bomb out with

Problem 1

  • Installation request for fp/openid-bundle 1.3.5 -> satisfiable by fp/openid-bundle[1.3.5].
  • fp/openid-bundle 1.3.5 requires fp/lightopenid dev-master -> no matching package found.

this is a big problem because i don't want to set minimum-stability to anything less than "alpha" so that it doesn't destabilize my entire setup

you can directly set a dev version fo lightopenid

fp/lightopenid *@dev

fp/lightopenid is kind of fork of original repo, I opened a PR on official repo with composer support. It has been merged recently. I asked owner about adding some tags

I would not accept any fixes or tags on fp fork of lightopenid. Because it is just a mirror.

I've just taged 2.1.0 version of the bundle. It uses offical lightopenid lib. It has a tag 0.7