forcedotcom / SalesforceMobileSDK-Android

Android SDK for Salesforce

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

How to get Mobile Number from Sales Force SDK in Android

abhiforgithub opened this issue · comments


Please fill out the following details:

  1. Version of Mobile SDK Used: com.salesforce.mobilesdk:SalesforceSDK:8.+
  2. Issue found in Native App or Hybrid App: Native App
  3. OS Version:
  4. Device: Redmi Note 5 pro
  5. Steps to reproduce:
  6. Actual behavior:
  7. Expected Behavior:
  8. Error Log:

Salesforce Mobile SDK GitHub issues are for reporting bugs, errors, undesirable behavior, etc. GitHub issues are not the correct place to ask "how-to" questions like this. I recommend asking this question on the Salesforce Stack Exchange