folofse / androw

Shadows in React Native for Android

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Feature Request: Androw for React Native Modal

WrathChaos opened this issue · comments

Hello @folofse,
I tried Androw on React-Native-Modal) however, it does not work on Modal component. Do you have any idea how to implement it on Modal?

Hi @WrathChaos,
I will install the React-Native-Modal in the example and see if I can figure out why it's not working.

Hi @WrathChaos,

Im able to use Androw inside a Modal like the following, it renders a shadow around the white square. You can also remove the modal background by adding a custom backdrop

<View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
    <Button title="Show modal" onPress={this.toggleModal} />
    <Modal 	isVisible={this.state.isModalVisible} 
			customBackdrop={<View style={{ flex: 1, opacity:0 }} />}>
	<Androw style={{shadowOpacity: .5,
									shadowRadius: 5,
									shadowColor: '#ff00ff',
									shadowOffset: {
										width: 0,
										height: 0,
	    <View style={{ width:100, height: 100, backgroundColor:'white' }}>
		<Button title="Hide modal" onPress={this.toggleModal} />