folke / twilight.nvim

🌅 Twilight is a Lua plugin for Neovim 0.5 that dims inactive portions of the code you're editing using TreeSitter.

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Error on startup

max397574 opened this issue · comments

I get an error, on startup
Screen Shot 2021-07-13 at 12 58 33

my init.vim

Should be fixed now :)

so :PlugUpdateshould do it (vim-plug)?

I guess so. I'm using Packer.

It works without conifguration
but if I add this:

lua << EOF
  require("twilight").setup {
    -- your configuration comes here
    -- or leave it empty to use the default settings
    -- refer to the configuration section below
EOF    >>>

I get this:

Screen Shot 2021-07-13 at 13 02 36
(line 641 is >>> in the code)

Damn, should be fine now. I forgot to expose setup in init.lua

works now