folke / snacks.nvim

🍿 A collection of QoL plugins for Neovim

Repository from Github https://github.comfolke/snacks.nvimRepository from Github https://github.comfolke/snacks.nvim

🍿 snacks.nvim

A collection of small QoL plugins for Neovim.

✨ Features

Snack Description Setup
animate Efficient animations including over 45 easing functions (library)
bigfile Deal with big files ‼️
bufdelete Delete buffers without disrupting window layout
dashboard Beautiful declarative dashboards ‼️
debug Pretty inspect & backtraces for debugging
dim Focus on the active scope by dimming the rest
explorer A file explorer (picker in disguise) ‼️
git Git utilities
gitbrowse Open the current file, branch, commit, or repo in a browser (e.g. GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket)
image Image viewer using Kitty Graphics Protocol, supported by kitty, wezterm and ghostty ‼️
indent Indent guides and scopes
input Better vim.ui.input ‼️
layout Window layouts
lazygit Open LazyGit in a float, auto-configure colorscheme and integration with Neovim
notifier Pretty vim.notify ‼️
notify Utility functions to work with Neovim's vim.notify
picker Picker for selecting items ‼️
profiler Neovim lua profiler
quickfile When doing nvim somefile.txt, it will render the file as quickly as possible, before loading your plugins. ‼️
rename LSP-integrated file renaming with support for plugins like neo-tree.nvim and mini.files.
scope Scope detection, text objects and jumping based on treesitter or indent ‼️
scratch Scratch buffers with a persistent file
scroll Smooth scrolling ‼️
statuscolumn Pretty status column ‼️
terminal Create and toggle floating/split terminals
toggle Toggle keymaps integrated with which-key icons / colors
util Utility functions for Snacks (library)
win Create and manage floating windows or splits
words Auto-show LSP references and quickly navigate between them ‼️
zen Zen mode • distraction-free coding

⚡️ Requirements

📦 Installation

Install the plugin with your package manager:


A couple of plugins require snacks.nvim to be set-up early. Setup creates some autocmds and does not load any plugins. Check the code to see what it does.


You need to explicitly pass options for a plugin or set enabled = true to enable it.


It's a good idea to run :checkhealth snacks to see if everything is set up correctly.

  priority = 1000,
  lazy = false,
  ---@type snacks.Config
  opts = {
    -- your configuration comes here
    -- or leave it empty to use the default settings
    -- refer to the configuration section below
    bigfile = { enabled = true },
    dashboard = { enabled = true },
    explorer = { enabled = true },
    indent = { enabled = true },
    input = { enabled = true },
    picker = { enabled = true },
    notifier = { enabled = true },
    quickfile = { enabled = true },
    scope = { enabled = true },
    scroll = { enabled = true },
    statuscolumn = { enabled = true },
    words = { enabled = true },

For an in-depth setup of snacks.nvim with lazy.nvim, check the example below.

⚙️ Configuration

Please refer to the readme of each plugin for their specific configuration.

Default Options
---@class snacks.Config
---@field animate? snacks.animate.Config
---@field bigfile? snacks.bigfile.Config
---@field dashboard? snacks.dashboard.Config
---@field dim? snacks.dim.Config
---@field explorer? snacks.explorer.Config
---@field gitbrowse? snacks.gitbrowse.Config
---@field image? snacks.image.Config
---@field indent? snacks.indent.Config
---@field input? snacks.input.Config
---@field layout? snacks.layout.Config
---@field lazygit? snacks.lazygit.Config
---@field notifier? snacks.notifier.Config
---@field picker? snacks.picker.Config
---@field profiler? snacks.profiler.Config
---@field quickfile? snacks.quickfile.Config
---@field scope? snacks.scope.Config
---@field scratch? snacks.scratch.Config
---@field scroll? snacks.scroll.Config
---@field statuscolumn? snacks.statuscolumn.Config
---@field terminal? snacks.terminal.Config
---@field toggle? snacks.toggle.Config
---@field win?
---@field words? snacks.words.Config
---@field zen? snacks.zen.Config
---@field styles? table<string,>
  image = {
    -- define these here, so that we don't need to load the image module
    formats = { "png", "jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "bmp", "webp", "tiff", "heic", "avif", "mp4", "mov", "avi", "mkv", "webm" },

Some plugins have examples in their documentation. You can include them in your config like this:

  dashboard = { example = "github" }

If you want to customize options for a plugin after they have been resolved, you can use the config function:

  gitbrowse = {
    config = function(opts, defaults)
      table.insert(opts.remote_patterns, { "my", "custom pattern" })

🚀 Usage

See the example below for how to configure snacks.nvim.

  priority = 1000,
  lazy = false,
  ---@type snacks.Config
  opts = {
    bigfile = { enabled = true },
    dashboard = { enabled = true },
    explorer = { enabled = true },
    indent = { enabled = true },
    input = { enabled = true },
    notifier = {
      enabled = true,
      timeout = 3000,
    picker = { enabled = true },
    quickfile = { enabled = true },
    scope = { enabled = true },
    scroll = { enabled = true },
    statuscolumn = { enabled = true },
    words = { enabled = true },
    styles = {
      notification = {
        -- wo = { wrap = true } -- Wrap notifications
  keys = {
    -- Top Pickers & Explorer
    { "<leader><space>", function() end, desc = "Smart Find Files" },
    { "<leader>,", function() Snacks.picker.buffers() end, desc = "Buffers" },
    { "<leader>/", function() Snacks.picker.grep() end, desc = "Grep" },
    { "<leader>:", function() Snacks.picker.command_history() end, desc = "Command History" },
    { "<leader>n", function() Snacks.picker.notifications() end, desc = "Notification History" },
    { "<leader>e", function() Snacks.explorer() end, desc = "File Explorer" },
    -- find
    { "<leader>fb", function() Snacks.picker.buffers() end, desc = "Buffers" },
    { "<leader>fc", function() Snacks.picker.files({ cwd = vim.fn.stdpath("config") }) end, desc = "Find Config File" },
    { "<leader>ff", function() Snacks.picker.files() end, desc = "Find Files" },
    { "<leader>fg", function() Snacks.picker.git_files() end, desc = "Find Git Files" },
    { "<leader>fp", function() Snacks.picker.projects() end, desc = "Projects" },
    { "<leader>fr", function() Snacks.picker.recent() end, desc = "Recent" },
    -- git
    { "<leader>gb", function() Snacks.picker.git_branches() end, desc = "Git Branches" },
    { "<leader>gl", function() Snacks.picker.git_log() end, desc = "Git Log" },
    { "<leader>gL", function() Snacks.picker.git_log_line() end, desc = "Git Log Line" },
    { "<leader>gs", function() Snacks.picker.git_status() end, desc = "Git Status" },
    { "<leader>gS", function() Snacks.picker.git_stash() end, desc = "Git Stash" },
    { "<leader>gd", function() Snacks.picker.git_diff() end, desc = "Git Diff (Hunks)" },
    { "<leader>gf", function() Snacks.picker.git_log_file() end, desc = "Git Log File" },
    -- Grep
    { "<leader>sb", function() Snacks.picker.lines() end, desc = "Buffer Lines" },
    { "<leader>sB", function() Snacks.picker.grep_buffers() end, desc = "Grep Open Buffers" },
    { "<leader>sg", function() Snacks.picker.grep() end, desc = "Grep" },
    { "<leader>sw", function() Snacks.picker.grep_word() end, desc = "Visual selection or word", mode = { "n", "x" } },
    -- search
    { '<leader>s"', function() Snacks.picker.registers() end, desc = "Registers" },
    { '<leader>s/', function() Snacks.picker.search_history() end, desc = "Search History" },
    { "<leader>sa", function() Snacks.picker.autocmds() end, desc = "Autocmds" },
    { "<leader>sb", function() Snacks.picker.lines() end, desc = "Buffer Lines" },
    { "<leader>sc", function() Snacks.picker.command_history() end, desc = "Command History" },
    { "<leader>sC", function() Snacks.picker.commands() end, desc = "Commands" },
    { "<leader>sd", function() Snacks.picker.diagnostics() end, desc = "Diagnostics" },
    { "<leader>sD", function() Snacks.picker.diagnostics_buffer() end, desc = "Buffer Diagnostics" },
    { "<leader>sh", function() end, desc = "Help Pages" },
    { "<leader>sH", function() Snacks.picker.highlights() end, desc = "Highlights" },
    { "<leader>si", function() Snacks.picker.icons() end, desc = "Icons" },
    { "<leader>sj", function() Snacks.picker.jumps() end, desc = "Jumps" },
    { "<leader>sk", function() Snacks.picker.keymaps() end, desc = "Keymaps" },
    { "<leader>sl", function() Snacks.picker.loclist() end, desc = "Location List" },
    { "<leader>sm", function() Snacks.picker.marks() end, desc = "Marks" },
    { "<leader>sM", function() end, desc = "Man Pages" },
    { "<leader>sp", function() Snacks.picker.lazy() end, desc = "Search for Plugin Spec" },
    { "<leader>sq", function() Snacks.picker.qflist() end, desc = "Quickfix List" },
    { "<leader>sR", function() Snacks.picker.resume() end, desc = "Resume" },
    { "<leader>su", function() Snacks.picker.undo() end, desc = "Undo History" },
    { "<leader>uC", function() Snacks.picker.colorschemes() end, desc = "Colorschemes" },
    -- LSP
    { "gd", function() Snacks.picker.lsp_definitions() end, desc = "Goto Definition" },
    { "gD", function() Snacks.picker.lsp_declarations() end, desc = "Goto Declaration" },
    { "gr", function() Snacks.picker.lsp_references() end, nowait = true, desc = "References" },
    { "gI", function() Snacks.picker.lsp_implementations() end, desc = "Goto Implementation" },
    { "gy", function() Snacks.picker.lsp_type_definitions() end, desc = "Goto T[y]pe Definition" },
    { "<leader>ss", function() Snacks.picker.lsp_symbols() end, desc = "LSP Symbols" },
    { "<leader>sS", function() Snacks.picker.lsp_workspace_symbols() end, desc = "LSP Workspace Symbols" },
    -- Other
    { "<leader>z",  function() Snacks.zen() end, desc = "Toggle Zen Mode" },
    { "<leader>Z",  function() Snacks.zen.zoom() end, desc = "Toggle Zoom" },
    { "<leader>.",  function() Snacks.scratch() end, desc = "Toggle Scratch Buffer" },
    { "<leader>S",  function() end, desc = "Select Scratch Buffer" },
    { "<leader>n",  function() Snacks.notifier.show_history() end, desc = "Notification History" },
    { "<leader>bd", function() Snacks.bufdelete() end, desc = "Delete Buffer" },
    { "<leader>cR", function() Snacks.rename.rename_file() end, desc = "Rename File" },
    { "<leader>gB", function() Snacks.gitbrowse() end, desc = "Git Browse", mode = { "n", "v" } },
    { "<leader>gg", function() Snacks.lazygit() end, desc = "Lazygit" },
    { "<leader>un", function() Snacks.notifier.hide() end, desc = "Dismiss All Notifications" },
    { "<c-/>",      function() Snacks.terminal() end, desc = "Toggle Terminal" },
    { "<c-_>",      function() Snacks.terminal() end, desc = "which_key_ignore" },
    { "]]",         function() Snacks.words.jump(vim.v.count1) end, desc = "Next Reference", mode = { "n", "t" } },
    { "[[",         function() Snacks.words.jump(-vim.v.count1) end, desc = "Prev Reference", mode = { "n", "t" } },
      desc = "Neovim News",
          file = vim.api.nvim_get_runtime_file("doc/news.txt", false)[1],
          width = 0.6,
          height = 0.6,
          wo = {
            spell = false,
            wrap = false,
            signcolumn = "yes",
            statuscolumn = " ",
            conceallevel = 3,
  init = function()
    vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("User", {
      pattern = "VeryLazy",
      callback = function()
        -- Setup some globals for debugging (lazy-loaded)
        _G.dd = function(...)
        end = function()
        vim.print = _G.dd -- Override print to use snacks for `:=` command

        -- Create some toggle mappings
        Snacks.toggle.option("spell", { name = "Spelling" }):map("<leader>us")
        Snacks.toggle.option("wrap", { name = "Wrap" }):map("<leader>uw")
        Snacks.toggle.option("relativenumber", { name = "Relative Number" }):map("<leader>uL")
        Snacks.toggle.option("conceallevel", { off = 0, on = vim.o.conceallevel > 0 and vim.o.conceallevel or 2 }):map("<leader>uc")
        Snacks.toggle.option("background", { off = "light", on = "dark", name = "Dark Background" }):map("<leader>ub")

🌈 Highlight Groups

Snacks defines a lot of highlight groups and it's impossible to document them all.

Instead, you can use the picker to see all the highlight groups.

Snacks.picker.highlights({pattern = "hl_group:^Snacks"})


🍿 A collection of QoL plugins for Neovim

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Lua 99.9%Language:Shell 0.1%Language:Scheme 0.0%