foliojs / brotli.js

A JavaScript port of the Brotli compression algorithm, as used in WOFF2

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Browser blockers

buu700 opened this issue · comments

There's a Browser.T referenced in the emscripten runtime output of the current published build that doesn't refer to anything as far as I can tell, causing the output of either browserify or webpack to produce the error Uncaught ReferenceError: Browser is not defined.

Rebuilding the library fixes this, but adds an error that encode.js.mem can't be found. Adding Module['readAsync']=function(_,f){f(Module['readBinary']())}; seems to fix this, but then I get Uncaught Error: [ReadHuffmanCode] invalid num_codes or space.

You'd lose the benefits of compressing the memfile, but it may be worth considering switching to emscripten's upcoming SINGLE_FILE flag that does base64 encoding if there's no other workaround. (Is there actually a space advantage to compressing it at this stage vs leaving it to be brotli'd/gzip'd at the same time as the rest of the JS in the user's build pipeline? I'd expect the latter to at least be slightly more CPU-efficient since it'd be decompressed by native code.)

Misc issues:

  • The bro command in the makefile no longer works with the latest brotli; the equivalent command is now brotli -c. (Alternatively, there's always ./vendor/brotli/bin/bro.)

  • NO_BROWSER has been removed from emscripten.

Having the same issue...

Second this issue, present in Electron app

Same for me


Getting the same error

This issue also surfaces when transitively loading brotli from a jest test of a purely backend node library.

I also get this error message Uncaught Error: [ReadHuffmanCode] invalid num_codes or space and have no idea what it means ...

Looks like this project is dead... I switched to LZ4

I've been using LZ4 (npm package lz4) as well.


Yapacağınız işi sikeyim kusura bakmayın

One note that might be useful to others: this only affects the compress build, not the decompress build. require('brotli') or require('brotli/compress') fail for me, but require('brotli/decompress') works fine, and that's all I need for my case anyway.

At this point, we could probably consider WASM as the compile target instead. I guess we could keep a fallback for IE 11 as well but all the modern browsers have WASM now.

Now uses wasm #51