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Suggestion: Continuous Fuzzing

yevgenypats opened this issue · comments

Hi, I'm Yevgeny Pats Founder of Fuzzit - Continuous fuzzing as a service platform.

We have a free plan for OSS and I would be happy to contribute a PR if that's interesting.
The PR will include the following

  • go-fuzz fuzzers (This is generic step not-connected to fuzzit)
  • Continuous Fuzzing of master branch which will generate new corpus and look for new crashes
  • Regression on every PR that will run the fuzzers through all the generated corpus and fixed crashes from previous step. This will prevent new or old bugs from crippling into master.

You can see our basic example here and you can see an example of "in the wild" integration here.

Let me know if this is something worth working on.
