fnagel / t3extblog

A record based blog extension for TYPO3 CMS. Easy to use and packed with features (incl. comments, subscriptions for comments and posts, Wordpress like subscription manager, reasonable email sending in FE and BE, GDPR ready, BE modules, Dashboard widgets, RSS, Sitemap, ...). Flexible and powerful!

Home Page:http://typo3.org/extensions/repository/view/t3extblog

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Handling of 404 for blog directory works unexpectedly

alorotom opened this issue · comments


TYPO3: 9.5.31 with slug
t3extblog: 5.1.1

When I tried to access to not existing blog page the engine displays blog root page content with 200 code instead of correct handling of 404 issue. Is it possible to change this behaviour?

https://example.com/blog/blabla -- blabla doest not exists, but the blog root page (posts list view) will be displayed.

Outside the blog folder handling of 404 works as expected.

Could you please help and clarify how to handle it correctly?

Looks like not related to the blog extension wrong 404 handling configuration.

Please feel free to ask again if there are issues with the blog extension regarding 404 pages. It should work without issues.
Otherwise please close the issue.