flynx / features.js

WARNING: this module configuration is experimental and is likely to get redesigned before stabilizing.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


features.js organizes sets of actions or object methods into features, applies them, manages merging of features via inter-feature dependencies and external criteria.



If actions are a means to organize how methods are extended and called in the prototype chain, features.js defined how that prototype chain is built.

A feature defines define a mixin / action-set and metadata:

  • documentation
  • applicability testing
  • dependencies both hard and soft
  • load priority

This metadata helps automatically build/rebuild a list of applicable features, sort it and mix their actions, configuration into an object.

In contrast to the traditional manual inheritance/prototyping, here the MRO (method resolution order) can self-adapt to the specific runtime requirements depending on feature metadata without the need to manually code prototype chains for each possible scenario.

This makes it trivial to split the desired functionality into features vertically, a-la MVC. As well as horizontally splitting the core functionality and extensions, plugins, etc. into separate features.

For example splitting an app into:

|  +------------+   +---------+    +--------------+    +-------------+  |
|  | Standalone |   | Web App |--->| Web Site API |    | Commandline |  |
|  +------------+   +---------+    +--------------+    +-------------+  |
   | Data Handling |

Each feature extending the same base API but implementing only it's specific functionality and adding new methods where needed. On setup only the relevant features/functionality for a specific runtime are loaded, for example creating one the following prototype chains depending on context:

Web site Desktop app Console
   | Web Site API |
   | Data Handling |

   | Commandline |
   | Standalone |
   | Data Handling |
   | Commandline |
   | Data Handling |

Note that since JavaScript does not support multiple inheritance, the feature dependency graph is linearized when creating a prototype/mixin chain.

Also note that this architecture is in part inspired by Python's multiple inheritance implementation, but though similar to it in some regards, features.js is quite different in others.

Installing and using

$ npm install --save ig-features
var features = require('ig-features')

Organizational structure

  • FeatureSet
    Creates <feature-set>
  • <feature-set> (FeatureSet)
    Contains features, defines the main feature manipulation API and <object-w-features> constructor/factory.
  • Feature
    Creates a feature in the feature-set, defines the feature metadata, references the feature mixin / action set and configuration.
  • ActionSet / mixin
    Contains the actions/methods of the feature mixin.
    See actions for more details.
  • <object-w-features> (ActionSet)
    Instance constructed by <feature-set> with all the feature action sets in the prototype chain and a merged .config.
// feature-set...
var App = new features.FeatureSet()

// features...
App.Feature('A', {
    // ...
App.Feature('B', {
    // ...

// meta-features...
App.Feature('all', [

// init and start the app...
var app = App.start(['all'])


How features are loaded

The main entities:


    -> <feature-set>
var feature_set = new features.FeatureSet()

// define features...
// ...

// setup features...



Feature constructor.

For more info see: Feature(..)

<feature-set>.<feature-tag> / <feature-set>[<feature-tag>]





Generate a Graphvis graph spec for the feature dependency graph.


Standalone feature

Feature({ tag: <tag>, .. })
Feature(<tag>, { .. })
Feature(<tag>, [<suggested-tag>, .. ])
Feature(<tag>, <actions>)
	-> <feature>

Feature-set features

<feature-set>.Feature({ tag: <tag>, .. })
<feature-set>.Feature(<tag>, { .. })
<feature-set>.Feature(<tag>, [<suggested-tag>, .. ])
<feature-set>.Feature(<tag>, <actions>)
	-> <feature>
Feature(<feature-set>, { tag: <tag>, .. })
Feature(<feature-set>, <tag>, <actions>)
	-> <feature>


feature_set.Feature('minimal_feature_example', {})
    // feature unique identifier (required)...
    tag: 'feature_example',

    // documentation (optional)...
    title: 'Example Feature',
    doc: 'A feature to demo the base API...',

    // applicability test (optional)
    isApplicable: function(){ /* ... */ },

    // feature load priority (optional)
    priority: 'medium',

    // list of feature tags to load if available (optional)
    suggested: [],

    // list of feature tags required to load before this feature (optional)
    depends: [],

    // Exclusive tag (optional)
    // NOTE: a feature can be a member of more than one exclusive group,
    //	to list more than one use an Array...
    exclusive: 'Example',

    // feature configuration (optional)
    // NOTE: if not present here this will be taken from .actions.config
    // NOTE: this takes priority over .actions.config, it is not recommended
    //	to define both.
    config: {
        option: 'value',
        // ...

    // actions (optional)
    actions: Actions({
        // alternative configuration location...
        config: {
            // ...
        // ...

    // action handlers (optional)
    handlers: [
            function(){ /* ... */ }],
        // ...



// meta-feature...
feature_set.Feature('meta-feature-tag', [
    // ...




BSD 3-Clause License

Copyright (c) 2016-2023, Alex A. Naanou, All rights reserved.


WARNING: this module configuration is experimental and is likely to get redesigned before stabilizing.

License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%