flyingcakes85 / Anime-Boys-Holding-Programming-Books

Anime Boys Holding Programming Books

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

In dire need of more anime boys

InevitablyDivinity opened this issue · comments

What would be the easiest way to contribute? Could we submit many unedited images of anime boys to be edited later, just so we have lots of material to work with? Should they be edited beforehand? Should we compile an index of top 100 most desirable anime boys to draw images from?

Could we submit many unedited images of anime boys to be edited later, just so we have lots of material to work with?

Will be appreciated. My biggest roadblock is that I barely know shows with male characters who are also holding books. Submit anime boy pics, I'll edit. (or someone else who wants to).

Should they be edited beforehand?

If you can edit, well and good. Create a pull request. But if you don't want to edit for whatever reason, that's all right. Unedited pics will do.

Should we compile an index of top 100 most desirable anime boys to draw images from?

Totally up to you/ other interested people.

My holidays start tomorrow; gonna set up the discussions tab and update ;-)

Update: I added a post to discussion #4

Copy pasting here

For submissions:

  • If you have picture of anime boy with book (not necessarily programming), create a new thread in Ideas category. Make sure to put raw label while creating thread. 1
  • If you have picture of anime boy with programming book, proceed straight to creating a Pull Request.
  • If you have picture of anime boy with programming book, but for whatever reason cannot create a pull request, create new thread in Ideas category. Make sure to put submission label while creating thread. 1