flying-sheep / basespace_fq_downloader

A fastq downloader from basespace that actually works.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A fastq downloader from basespace that actually works.


If using walk up service, the sequencing data won't go through Sanger pipeline. The files are located in Illumina BaseSpace.

Illumina has a python script for downloading data, but it won't give you fastq files. You can download fastq files following this instruction but you have to do it one by one.

This script download all fastq files associated with a project. I found out that when you have many files in a project, the download often stops randomly, and gives you an error message like this:

ssl.SSLError: ('The read operation timed out',)

This script handles that situation by ignoring already downloaded fastq files, so if donwload terminates prematurally, simply run it again.


  1. Go to this link and follow the instructions to get you access credentials including Client Id, Client Secret, and Access Token (Illumina's python script is also there):

  2. Create a file called .basespacepy.cfg in your home directory with the following content:

clientKey = your_Client_Id
clientSecret = your_Client_Secret
accessToken = your_Access_Token
apiServer =
apiVersion = v1pre3
  1. Protect that file by chmod 600 ~/.basespacepy.cfg

  2. Install BaseSpacePy (seems to be python 2 only):

  3. Create a directory where you want to put your fastq files, and run:

python your_project_name


A fastq downloader from basespace that actually works.


Language:Python 100.0%