flycheck / flycheck-inline

Display Flycheck errors inline

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Error details hide on every keypress

loafofpiecrust opened this issue · comments

When I have flycheck-inline enabled, I put point over an error, then I see the details inline as expected. But if I press the left or right arrow key, I'm still over the erroring text but the inline details hide for a second then show again. It does the same thing when most commands run. Is there an option I can tweak so it only hides the inline details after making sure point is off the error? I'm not sure whether this is a flycheck problem in general or with this package.

For context, I'm using DOOM emacs on the 27 branch, running on Linux. I've been using flycheck-inline primarily with lsp-mode in rustic-mode.