fluxcd / helm-controller

The GitOps Toolkit Helm reconciler, for declarative Helming

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Drift Detector Diff client doesn't use the defaultServiceAccount command line flag value ?

ravilr opened this issue · comments

helm-controller version: v0.36.0

helm-controller deployed with DetectDrift feature gate enabled and also --default-service-account args like below:

 - args:
        - --default-service-account=fluxcd
        - --feature-gates=DetectDrift=true
        - --feature-gates=CorrectDrift=false

and the helm-controller deployment's ServiceAccount just have the impersonate verb RBAC access granted. And per namespace have a SA named fluxcd granted relevant per namespace scoped RBAC access.

With above setup, a HelmRelease resource deployed without a spec.serviceAccountName field, successfully gets installed in the first reconcile loop, but subsequent reconcile loops where it tries to detect drift, the diff client fails with below error (only relevant parts of the log included for brevity):
failed to diff release against cluster resources: [NetworkPolicy/ns1/allow-dashboard-ingress dry-run failed, reason: Forbidden: networkpolicies.networking.k8s.io "allow-dashboard-ingress" is forbidden: User "system:serviceaccount:flux-system:helm-controller" cannot patch resource "networkpolicies" in API group "networking.k8s.io" in the namespace "ns1"

Note that the diff client is falling back to helm-controller's SA instead of using the per namespace impersonator SA fluxcd set in the command-line flag.

This seems to be due to the differ client Impersonator setup isn't using the github.com/fluxcd/helm-controller/internal/kube.DefaultServiceAccountName :


whereas all other Impersonator client usage in the helm-controller are using it correctly:


Any reasons for Differ Impersonator client setup not using the --default-service-account flag setting ?

cc @hiddeco git blame shows the differ client was introduced in this commit 1240f20