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dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/App.framework/App

Joel565200 opened this issue · comments

When I build and run the project on my phone, I had the crash below:

dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/App.framework/App
Referenced from: /var/containers/Bundle/Application/5E2B0094-6147-4A69-8C98-4C0FEE40A629/IOSUsingPlugin.app/IOSUsingPlugin
Reason: image not found
Message from debugger: Terminated due to signal 6

I use the example project on the path: "samples-master"->"add_to_app"->"plugin"->"ios_using_plugin", which run on Xcode 13.1, how could I solve this problem. Looking forward to your reply. Thank you.

Upgrade your flutter version to 2.8.1, the latest version will solve this issue.