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`experimental/web_dashboard` is breaking beta CI

domesticmouse opened this issue · comments

== Testing 'experimental/web_dashboard' on Flutter's beta channel ==
~/work/samples/samples/experimental/web_dashboard ~/work/samples/samples
Your Flutter application is created using an older version of the Android
embedding. It is being deprecated in favor of Android embedding v2. Follow the
steps at


to migrate your project. You may also pass the --ignore-deprecation flag to
ignore this check and continue with the deprecated v1 embedding. However,
the v1 Android embedding will be removed in future versions of Flutter.
The detected reason was:

  /home/runner/work/samples/samples/experimental/web_dashboard/android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml uses `android:name="io.flutter.app.FutterApplication"`

Running "flutter pub get" in web_dashboard...                       6.7s
This app is using a deprecated version of the Android embedding.
To avoid unexpected runtime failures, or future build failures, try to migrate this app to the V2 embedding.
Take a look at the docs for migrating an app: https://github.com/flutter/flutter/wiki/Upgrading-pre-1.12-Android-projects
The plugin `cloud_firestore` requires your app to be migrated to the Android embedding v2. Follow the steps on https://flutter.dev/go/android-project-migration and re-run this command.