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Sample for adding to existing iOS app SwiftUI App Life Cycle

czaku opened this issue · comments


Could someone provide or help me with creating a sample for a freshly started iOS project that does not have UIKit AppDelegate Life Cycle but SwiftUI App Life Cycle (if you generate a new project with Xcode 12 and above that is an option now).


@RedBrogdon who is responsible for Add to App these days?

Thanks for filing an issue, @czaku. Do you mind giving us a little more information about what you're looking to learn? Are you interested in building an app that combines Swift UI with Flutter, for example?

CC: @jmagman

Without additional information we're not able to resolve this issue, so it will be closed at this time. You're still free to add more info and respond to any questions above, though. We'll reopen the case if you do.
Thanks for your contribution!