flutter / devtools

Performance tools for Flutter

Home Page:https://flutter.dev/docs/development/tools/devtools/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Reporting error: Failed to parse package:moneynmore/main.dart.

bikashmoneynmore opened this issue · comments

Stack trace:
main.dart.js 6162:18 Object.qb
main.dart.js 68091:76
main.dart.js 4771:62 bD9.a
main.dart.js 56606:14 bD9.$2
main.dart.js 56600:21 bAW.$1
main.dart.js 5067:19 Object.bCO
main.dart.js 163701:68 ajB.
main.dart.js 57723:12 Zx.qH
main.dart.js 57109:11 bnT.$0
main.dart.js 4937:40 Object.Mz

<-- Please describe your problem here. Be sure to include repro steps. -->

DevTools version: 2.28.2
Connected Device:
CPU / OS: arm64 (64 bit) ios
Connected app type: Flutter native (profile build)
Dart Version: 3.2.0
Flutter Version: 3.16.0 / stable
Framework / Engine: db7ef5bf9f / 74d16627b9