fluree / db

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Incorrect results when querying schema.org vocabulary

zonotope opened this issue · comments

The query:

'{:select {?s [:*]}
  :where  [[?s "schema:rangeIncludes" {"@id" "schema:DateTime"}]
           [?s "@id" "schema:inLanguage"]]}

executed against a database value containing the schema.org vocabulary should not return results because the "schema:inLanguage" subject does not have the "schema:DateTime" subject as a value of its "schema:rangeIncludes" property. However, this query does return the following result:

[{"@id" "schema:inLanguage",
  "rdf:type" ["rdf:Property"],
  "The language of the content or performance or used in an action. Please use one of the language codes from the [IETF BCP 47 standard](http://tools.ietf.org/html/bcp47). See also [[availableLanguage]].",
  "rdfs:label" "inLanguage",
  [{"@id" "schema:CreativeWork"}
   {"@id" "schema:Event"}
   {"@id" "schema:CommunicateAction"}
   {"@id" "schema:WriteAction"}
   {"@id" "schema:LinkRole"}
   {"@id" "schema:BroadcastService"}
   {"@id" "schema:PronounceableText"}],
  "schema:rangeIncludes" [{"@id" "schema:Text"} {"@id" "schema:Language"}],
  "schema:source" {"@id" "https://github.com/schemaorg/schemaorg/issues/2382"}}]