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FluentBit Nats Output Plugin JSON format problems

benmutlu opened this issue · comments

Hello, I am trying to ship following json message to NATS server with using FluentBit NATS output plugin.

My Input and configuration
{ "proxy_cache_status": "HIT", "timestamp": "2024-02-07T14:26:44+03:00", "remote_addr": "", "remote_port": "1111", "request_addr": "", "server_name": "test.com", "server_addr": "", "server_port": "443", "body_bytes_sent": "1107221", "bytes_sent": "1109155", "body_received": "133", "request_time": "0.000", "status": "200", "request_uri": "/test.html", "request_param": "", "request_method": "GET", "upstream_addr": "", "upstream_response_time": "", "upstream_connect_time": "", "upstream_header_time": "", "upstream_status": "", "scheme": "https", "http_referrer": "https://googe.com", "tcpinfo_rtt": 22102, "tcpinfo_rttvar": 9038, "ssl_protocol": "TLSv1.3", "ssl_cipher": "TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384", "request_id": "12312313213asdasd", "role": "Edge", "http_range": "", "server_ip": "", "account_type": "Test", "server_role": "Node", "http_x_forwarded_for": "", "http_protocol": "HTTP/2.0", "http_user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0"}

FluentBit configuration
Flush 10
Log_Level debug
Daemon off
Parsers_File parsers.conf

Name tail
Path /var/log/test.log
Parser json
Tag test.access.log
Docker_Mode On
Read_from_Head true

Name nats
Match test.access.log
Port 4222
Retry_Limit 10

The problem is I am getting this message from NATS
https://docs.fluentbit.io/manual/pipeline/outputs/nats this document verify that output should be similar like below, but I want to process messages with JSON format, so I need to write messages same like source, how can I do that ?

[1707293335.080561,{ "proxy_cache_status": "HIT", "timestamp": "2024-02-07T14:26:44+03:00", "remote_addr": "", "remote_port": "1111", "request_addr": "", "server_name": "test.com", "server_addr": "", "server_port": "443", "body_bytes_sent": "1107221", "bytes_sent": "1109155", "body_received": "133", "request_time": "0.000", "status": "200", "request_uri": "/test.html", "request_param": "", "request_method": "GET", "upstream_addr": "", "upstream_response_time": "", "upstream_connect_time": "", "upstream_header_time": "", "upstream_status": "", "scheme": "https", "http_referrer": "https://googe.com", "tcpinfo_rtt": 22102, "tcpinfo_rttvar": 9038, "ssl_protocol": "TLSv1.3", "ssl_cipher": "TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384", "request_id": "12312313213asdasd", "role": "Edge", "http_range": "", "server_ip": "", "account_type": "Test", "server_role": "Node", "http_x_forwarded_for": "", "http_protocol": "HTTP/2.0", "http_user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0"}}]]

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