floybix / jdwh

Command-line utility for sql/download/upload via JDBC, especially Teradata

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A command-line interface to the Teradata DWH:

  • fast and simple execution of SQL
  • downloading and uploading of data in CSV format
  • substitution of variables in SQL

Written in Clojure, using JDBC, compiles to an executable JAR.


Could be adapted to other databases without much effort.


The easy option is to download the compiled executable jars from the downloads page. These can be placed on your $PATH on unix-like systems or run as Java jars.


To compile you will need the clojure build tool (Leiningen)[http://leiningen.org/] v2 and the lein-localrepo plugin.

You will need to download the Teradata JDBC driver v from http://downloads.teradata.com/download/connectivity/jdbc-driver

Install the JDBC driver (two JAR files) for Leiningen as follows:

lein localrepo install terajdbc4.jar com.teradata.jdbc/TeraDriver
lein localrepo install tdgssconfig.jar com.teradata.jdbc/tdgssconfig

Then to compile:

make jar

This will generate an executable jar at target/jdwh and an associated shell script at target/jdwhput. They can then be installed to e.g. /usr/local/bin/


There are two commands: jdwh and jdwhput (for uploading). They can be run locally with

lein run --help
lein run -m jdwh.put --help

or, after compiling:

java -jar target/jdwh-*-standalone.jar --help
java -cp target/jdwh-*-standalone.jar jdwh.put --help


target/jdwh --help
target/jdwhput --help

jdwh Usage

jdwh -- a command-line JDBC interface to DWH.


With input from a file:
  jdwh -f SQLFILE [args]

With input inline:
  jdwh -c "SELECT * FROM FOO" [args]

With standard input:
  cat f1.sql f2.sql | jdwh [args]

Query results are written to stdout or --out as CSV.

 Switches                           Default  Desc                                              
 --------                           -------  ----                                              
 -c, --command                               text of an SQL command to run.                    
 -f, --file                                  SQL file to read; otherwise read Standard Input.  
 -o, --out                                   output file, default is standard out.             
 -l, --log                                   log file, default is stderr. If set, then --echo. 
 --no-tags, --tags                  false    replace tags like <<DATABASENAME>> from env vars. 
 --no-transaction, --transaction    false    roll back everything if an exception occurs.      
 --no-explain, --explain            false    just run explain on each statement, for checking. 
 --no-timing, --timing              false    print elapsed time for each statement.            
 --no-fexp, --fexp                  false    connect into fast export mode.                    
 --dbc                              dwh32    name of configuration section in ~/.odbc.ini      
 --encoding                         UTF-8    encoding of the input SQL.                        
 -e, --no-echo, --echo                       echo all SQL commands sent to server to stderr.   
 -d, --no-debug, --debug            false    print detailed output.                            
 -k, --no-keep-going, --keep-going  false    continue even if sql statements fail.             
 -h, --no-help, --help              false    print this help message.                          

jdwhput Usage

jdwhput -- a command-line JDBC uploader to DWH.


  jdwhput -i INPUT.CSV --table PINFO.FOO [args]

 Switches                         Default  Desc                                              
 --------                         -------  ----                                              
 -i, --in-csv                              input CSV file to load into a table.              
 --table                                   target table including database: 'database.table' 
 -l, --log                                 log file, default is stderr.                      
 --no-transaction, --transaction  false    roll back inserts if an exception occurs.         
 --no-fastload, --fastload        false    use FASTLOAD connection: empty table, >100k rows. 
 --dbc                            dwh32    name of configuration section in ~/.odbc.ini      
 --encoding                       UTF-8    encoding of the input file.                       
 -d, --no-debug, --debug          false    print detailed output.                            
 -h, --no-help, --help            false    print this help message.                          

Database Authentication

Authentication details are read from ~/.odbc.ini. For example, your ~/.odbc.ini might contain the following:


By default, it looks for a section called [dwh32]. You can specify a different section from your ~/.odbc.ini with the --dbc command-line option.






Copyright © 2012 Felix Andrews, Australian Taxation Office, Commonwealth of Australia.

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.


Command-line utility for sql/download/upload via JDBC, especially Teradata


Language:Clojure 97.0%Language:Shell 3.0%