flotisable / VLSITestingPa3

PA3 of NTU VLSI testing

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<<< Sub-directory list: >>>

1. src: A combinational test generator (taking .sim circuit format)

2. sample_circuits: benchmark circuits in .sim format

3. ltest: A mini testing package from USC. 
          including: * Logic simulator
                     * Combinational test generator (D-algorithm)
                     * Deductive fault simulator
          input format: see examples in ./ltest/circuits.
          detailed info: see README in ./ltest

<<< Basic Data Structures for podem >>>
1. (NETLIST) The internal data structure of a netlist constructed in podem 
can be described by a set of connected NODEs and WIREs.
The definition of NODE and WIRE is described in header file: atpg.h

2. (IO) Primary inputs (outputs) are treated as pseudo WIREs, and can be
accessed by the global array variable: cktin (cktout), defined in global.h. 
(The fanin (fanout) node of a PI (PO) is a empty vector).

3. (WIRE) In general, a WIRE could have multiple fanin's and multiple fanout's.
But usually in the netlist, a wire only has a single driving (fanin) 
node, though it may have multiple fanout nodes. 

<<< Extracted data structure of WIRE from atpg.h>>>
class WIRE;
typedef WIRE*  wptr;
typedef unique_ptr<WIRE>  wptr_s;
class WIRE {
    WIRE();                /* constructor */
    string name;           /* asciz name of wire */
    vector<nptr> inode;    /* nodes driving this wire */
    vector<nptr> onode;    /* nodes driven by this wire */
    int value;             /* logic value of the wire */
    int flag;              /* flag word */
    /* data structure for podem test pattern generation */
    int level;             /* level of the wire */
    short *pi_reach;       /* array of no. of paths reachable from each pi */
    /* data structure for parallel fault simulator */
    int wire_value1;       /* fault-free value */
    int wire_value2;       /* faulty value */
    int fault_flag;        /* flag to indicate fault-injected bit */
    int wlist_index;       /* index into the wlist array */

4. (NODE) In general, a NODE could have multiple fanin's and multiple fanout's.
But usually a node in the netlist has only a single fanout WIRE.

<<< Extracted data structure of NODE from atpg.h >>>
class NODE;
typedef NODE*  nptr;
typedef unique_ptr<NODE>  nptr_s;
struct NODE {
    string name;           /* asciz name of node */
    vector<wptr> iwire;    /* wires driving this node */
    vector<wptr> owire;    /* wires driven by this node */
    int  type;             /* node type */
    int  flag;             /* flag word */

5. (GATE TYPE) The supported gate type is defined in atpg.h.

<<< Extracted gate type from atpg.h>>>
    #define NOT       1
    #define NAND      2
    #define AND       3
    #define INPUT     4
    #define NOR       5
    #define OR        6
    #define OUTPUT    8
    #define XOR      11
    #define BUF      17

6. (FAULT) Data structure for a stuck-at fault is defined in atpg.h.

<<< Extracted data strcuture of FAULT from atpg.h >>>
class FAULT;
typedef FAULT* fptr;
typedef unique_ptr<FAULT> fptr_s;
class FAULT {
    FAULT();              /* constructor */
    nptr node;            /* gate under test(NIL if PI/PO fault) */
    short io;             /* 0 = GI; 1 = GO */
    short index;          /* index for GI fault */
    short fault_type;     /* s-a-1 or s-a-0 fault */
    short detect;         /* detection flag */
    bool  test_tried;     /* flag to indicate test is being tried */
    int   eqv_fault_num;  /* number of equivalent faults */
    int   to_swlist;      /* index to the sort_wlist[] */
    int   fault_no;       /* fault index */

7. (GLOBAL VARIABLES INSIDE THE ATPG CLASS) Several global variables,
such as the number of primary inputs and outputs, are defined in header
file atpg.h.

NOTICE! Alghough these variables are said to be global, they are
only global INSIDE the ATPG class. i.e. they are local variables
of ATPG class.

<<< Extracted global variables from global.h >>>
vector<wptr> sort_wlist;                         /* sorted wire list with regard to level */
vector<wptr> cktin;                              /* input wire list */
vector<wptr> cktout;                             /* output wire list */
array<forward_list<wptr_s>,HASHSIZE> hash_wlist; /* hashed wire list */
array<forward_list<nptr_s>,HASHSIZE> hash_nlist; /* hashed node list */
int  in_vector_no;                               /* number of test vectors generated */
bool fsim_only;                                  /* flag to indicate fault simulation only */
int  sim_vectors;                                /* number of simulation vectors */
vector<string> vectors;                          /* vector set */

<<< Sample code segments >>>

1. Enumerate all primary inputs
      int i = 0;

      for(wptr pi_wire: cktin){
           printf("%d-th PI wire: %s\n", i, pi_wire->name.cstr());

2. Enumerate all primary outputs
      int i = 0;

      for(wptr po_wire: cktout){
           printf("%d-th PO wire: %s\n", i, po_wire->name.cstr());

3. Accessing the fanin node of a WIRE
      wptr   wire;
      nptr fanin_node = wire->inode.front();
      printf("Fanin node is : %s\n", fanin_node->name.c_str());

4. Accessing the fanout nodes of a WIRE:
      wptr    wire;
      int    i = 0;

      for(nptr fanout_node: wire->onode){
        printf("%d-th fanout node is %s\n", i, fanout_node->name.c_str());

5. Accessing the fanin wires of a NODE:
      nptr    node;
      int    i = 0;

      for(wptr fanin_wire: node->iwire){
          printf("%d-th fanin wire is %s\n", i, fanin_wire->name.c_str());

6. Accessing the fanout wire of a NODE:
      nptr   node;
      fanout_wire = node->owire.front();
      printf("Fanin wire is : fanout_wire->name.c_str());


PA3 of NTU VLSI testing


Language:Max 52.3%Language:C++ 45.6%Language:Makefile 1.2%Language:Perl 0.5%Language:Objective-C 0.4%