flosell / lambdacd-cctray

cctray support for lambdacd

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Does not display most recent build when retriggering

flosell opened this issue · comments

Consider this scenario:

  • build 4 has successfully run build-steps foo and bar with bar being after foo in the pipeline
  • build 5 runs afterwards, also running completing foo
  • Now we retrigger bar on build 4
  • build 6 appears, with duplicates of the foo results. because cctray orders by build-number, cctray now shows build 6 for foo when this build 6 never actually ran foo but is just there for pipeline consistency. We'd expect build 5 to be the build cctray uses for foo.

Possible fix: sort by :first-updated-at instead of build number.
We could also sort by :most-recent-update-at but this might lead to strange flapping when two builds run a step at the same time.

We still have this bug (v. 0.4.0):


Hmm, this is interesting. Is build 6 you retriggering the in-rqp-workspace? Or some nested step?

Could you post the timestamps (first-updated-at, most-recent-update-at) for the build steps that are relevant (e.g. the one you retriggered, its parents, steps near it, ...)? You'll find them on the api/builds/<buildnumber>/ endpoint or by just expanding the complete step result on a build step.

I think only Build 5 and 6 are important:

Build 6 ("retrigger-mock-for-build-number": 5):

  • in-rqp-workspace:
    ** "status": "success"
    ** "first-updated-at": "2015-09-15T10:40:23.464Z"
    ** "most-recent-update-at": "2015-09-15T10:57:54.046Z"

Build 5:

  • in-rqp-workspace:
    ** status": "failure"
    ** "first-updated-at": "2015-09-15T10:40:23.464Z"
    ** "most-recent-update-at": "2015-09-15T10:45:01.465Z"

If you retrigger build 5 the new build will have the same "first-updated-at" value. You use this parameter to sort the builds.

I think I now reproduced your behavior, it occurs when retriggering a child of in-rqp-workspace, right? It seems to be caused by a bug in LambdaCD (flosell/lambdacd#56)

Should be fixed in the next release of LambdaCD

perfect, thank you!

I have tried to figure out what step my colleague has trigged but he did not know exactly.