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Safari extension possible ?

NiTRoeSE opened this issue · comments

Hi, is it possible to add safari support ?


Obviously, nothing is impossible, but it would be quite a lot of work, since Safari has a different API than the one provided by Chrome/WebExtensions.

Okay, that´s coherent. It would be great if anybody who has coder experience with safari extension could port this. Unfortunately i haven't such experience. Thanks for your work !

Check out FreedomMarks, which claims Safari compatibility. Let us know if it works.

I would also love to see Safari support. Then the plugin would be covering all needs. Thanks a lot for your great work!

Desperate for safari support, my iPhone & Mac & PC bookmarks are chaos.

So, short update after doing some research about the state of Safari extensions:

Safari 14 introduced support for webextensions, but

  1. You apparently need macOS to develop those: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/safariservices/safari_web_extensions
  2. Safari doesn't yet support the webextension bookmarks API: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/Browser_support_for_JavaScript_APIs

safari support would be great as my clients mostly use macs

So, short update after doing some research about the state of Safari extensions:

Safari 14 introduced support for webextensions, but

  1. You apparently need macOS to develop those: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/safariservices/safari_web_extensions

  2. Safari doesn't yet support the webextension bookmarks API: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/Browser_support_for_JavaScript_APIs

Apple will make webextension API available in Safari 14, maybe Safari support is possible!

Apple said this:
Safari Web Extensions can add custom functionality to Safari 14 beta using the same WebExtensions API used in other browsers, such as Chrome, Firefox, and Edge. And with a new conversion tool in Xcode 12 beta, you can quickly bring your existing extensions to Safari and make them available on the Mac App Store this fall.


@FunnyFly-ZW I'd be delighted to support Safari iff they support the webextension bookmarks API (it's currently very hard to find out what they support exactly). Also, somebody else would have to build the extension for safari as I don't intend to buy an apple computer in order to run XCode.

now that the new Safari is released, are there any news?

Safari 14 doesn't support the bookmarks API: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/WebExtensions/Browser_support_for_JavaScript_APIs#bookmarks

It could still be that they are able to convert those APIs to their own bookmarks interface. If you have a mac and would like to try the conversion, have a look at the guide: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/safariservices/safari_web_extensions/converting_a_web_extension_for_safari

Maybe someone could reverse engineer the iCloud Bookmarks firefox extension, so we would at least have an iCloud to floccus bridge.

Did someone try the conversion? I own a macbook and would like to implement support for safari to finally sync my bookmarks between chrome and safari.

@flecmart cool! I don't think anybody has tried it, yet. I'm available over on gitter https://gitter.im/marcelklehr/floccus if you need help :)

Good to know :-) Just cloning your repo and installing the conversion tools right now. I did a little bit of research already that primes me disappointed: https://developer.apple.com/forums/thread/650614

Looks like 10 month ago it did not work. I will post the results here when I find an hour of spare time the next days.

I am maybe a bit early, but has the new version of Safari in Monterey/iOS15/iPadOS15 changed this? :)

I am maybe a bit early, but has the new version of Safari in Monterey/iOS15/iPadOS15 changed this? :)

Sadly still not... Just for fun I created an iOS 15 Safari extension from Floccus and noticed that Safari still hasn't implemented the bookmarks addon API. Other than that, it seems to run fine on iOS (apart from a few layout issues).

Perhaps making an app which would work for both, iOS & macOS just like Monal @monal-im

Ping @tomoakley concerning jarun/buku#494 jarun/buku#569 #1033

e: P.S. Extensions are supported by both Safari on iOS and macOS.

An iOS app should likely be easier than getting it to run as a safari extension, as the android app version of floccus is using capacitor.js

So, out of also wanting this to be implemented because i've had to move to chrome for this extension when i really like safari, I tried opening up bookmarks.plist and it looks like the file is restricted to read only from the filesystem (or at least from xcode). Which may put a wrench between syncing bookmarks. Although it is possible someone could write a client that reads the plist and uploads them instead. Which means safari bookmarks could at least be uploaded. Just quickly leaving my thoughts in here before I head off to work after stumbling upon this issue


Any news?


A less elegant but viable alternative that works: Using iCloud for Windows.
I created a Windows 10 virtual machine on my unraid server to run it. It works well, but it costs too many resources.


I've seen there is an floccus app now on the app store, but I couldn't manage to login yet :(

Glad you found that, but the Floccus app also has nothing to do with this Safari browser topic. If you need help could you please ask help.nextcloud.com


Icloud for windows has nothing to do with the safari browser.

Safari is always kept synced with iCloud, so iCloud for windows doesn't need to operate safari

There are few mac os apps to read and modify safari bookmarks on mac:

Why we cant make sync app with the same way to access? We don't need to publish it to store if it is a problem.
It is actually direct access to file ~/Library/Safari/Bookmarks.plist

Why we cant make sync app with the same way to access?

As I wrote above, it's definitely possible, but it's non-trivial and takes time that I currently want to spend on other things, especially, since it seems to be a matter of time till Safari supports the APIs we use today.

Is it possible to sponsor the development of Safari support in floccus? I would also like to have this and would be willing to pay for it. Perhaps many others as well. This is really a great tool, and the lacking support for Safari is really a pity.

Others, please thumbs-up this comment if you would also be willing to sponsor the prioritized development of an extension for Safari.

FYI, I have just learned of the existance of the Orion browser by Kagi, which is available for both Mac and iOS, is based on webkit, and supports running floccus as a web extension inside (I have not tested this, but from their docs it should work) along with roughly 70% of existing firefox/chrome extensions. Let me know how it goes, if you give it a try :)