floating-ui / svelte-popper

🍿🔗Official Svelte wrapper for Popper - the positioning library

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use:popper action (instead of component based API)

FezVrasta opened this issue · comments

The existing <Popper /> component doesn't feel right, it does absolutely nothing, if not allow the consumers to pass props down and retrieve the result.

The README example could be written as follows and everything would still work:


<button bind:this={referenceElement}>Reference Element</button>
  Popper Element
  <div bind:this={arrowElement} class="arrow" style={css(styles.arrow)} />

A cleaner approach could be the use:action API.

  let styles = {};
  let attributes = {};

  use:popper={{ popperElement, options }}
  on:popperUpdate={evt => {
    styles = evt.detail.styles;
    attributes = evt.detail.attributes;
  Reference Element

Here's a basic example:


I just found out about this issue, and I’ve actually just published a package that uses two actions to attach Popper!


The idea is to wrap both actions in an object such that there is some shared state, then attach Popper there.

For my package, I have a createPopperActions function which returns two functions – refAction and popperAction, that are used on the reference and popper element.

popperAction takes the popper options config object, and while it doesn’t emit any event to update styles or attributes yet, that is definitely a possibility.

Perhaps that could be of some help!

  import { createPopperActions } from ‘svelte-popperjs’;
  const [ popperRef, popperContent ] = createPopperActions();

<button use:popperRef>
  Reference Element
<div use:popperContent={{ placement: ‘right’ }}>
  Popper Element

Here’s an example of how my package is used.