floating-ui / floating-ui

A JavaScript library to position floating elements and create interactions for them.

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`useHover` without safePolygon is missing `mouseEnter` / `mouseLeave`

KutnerUri opened this issue · comments

When leaving anchor through the popper (without safePolygon!), the MouseLeave and MouseEnter events are missing.
The bug is worse with useTransitionStyles(), but also happens without it.

  • Something is blocking the events, but I don't see any stopPropogation or preventDefault.
  • Has to do with the parent having the onMouseEnter

To Reproduce

  • Hover on "anchor 1"
  • See "container 1" getting programatic hover
  • move through "pop" to "some button"
  • "container 1" still have "hover"

Expected behavior: Container 1 should get MouseLeave, and container 2 should get MouseEnter

Kapture 2024-01-28 at 20 38 45


  • OS: Sonoma 14.2.1
  • Browser: Chrome
  • Version: 120
  • floating-ui/react v0.26.8

Additional context

  • I tried switching events, but mouseOut and mouseOver were not reliable
  • I tried making my own handleClose function, but it didn't seem to have an effect.
  • I might be able to replace the programmitc hover with just :hover. If I could it will solve it for this case

Workaround: by removing the transition, and keeping a gap between the two containers, the popper disappears fast enough and the events manage to trigger.

This seems to be a browser issue, not related to Floating UI.

You can reproduce the same issue without using this library at all: https://codesandbox.io/p/sandbox/floating-ui-react-dom-template-forked-r3c4wn?file=%2Fsrc%2FApp.js%3A7%2C1

yes I can see it happening even with html event listeners (without React), thanks for looking into this.
Good to know it's not some stopPropogation.

Possible workarounds:

  • replace js events with css :hover
  • Create a gap hover targets. Disable transition if necessary.

Things I didn't try:

  • disable pointer events on popper