flexiondotorg / oab-java6

Create a local 'apt' repository for Sun Java 6 and/or Oracle Java 7 packages.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Also allow Linux Mint users to run script

csperle opened this issue · comments

Please add 'lisa' (and maybe more Mint codenames) to the list of the allowed versions (line 188), so that Linux Mint users can use your script, too. See here for Linux Mint codenames (and which Ubuntu version they are based on): http://www.linuxmint.com/oldreleases.php

Thanks for the cool script.



Thanks for the feedback. Good idea. I'm just about to commit a new version of the script which should work with Linux Mint. Let me know how it goes.

Regards, Martin.