flexd / slackinviter

Go-ne slackin

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Images shown strangely

GiacomoLaw opened this issue Β· comments

Define "strangely" and "weirdly". AFAICT some of the strangeness is due to the red logo not having a transparent background (it has a roughly white border). But I'm not sure that is what you are talking about.

The images appear to big. πŸ˜„

I'm not sure if this is what you were talking about, but I just made a tiny CSS change that moves the Slack logo 0.3em more to the right. Does it look better now?

If this wasn't it, I can't see what you are talking about.


As you can see, the images overlap ^^^ πŸ˜„

Oh the +. Lol yeah, there should probably be more spacing around it. TBH I didn't even see the plus.

That's where I added some spacing.. and it was also the first time I noticed there was a plus sign there :)

I should make the spacing there relative (in em) instead of pixels. That way it should work for all size logos.


Does that work? Not sure how to test it. πŸ˜„ @flexd

@GiacomoLaw It should be fixed in the latest master. Have you tried that? If not I can make additional changes. Adding spaces around the "+" is not the best way of solving this :-)

Thank you! Any way I can update my app without having to delete and reinstall? πŸ˜„

You should be able to just run 'git pull' to get the latest updates.

@flexd Can I find this here or on Heroku?

@GiacomoLaw You have 3 options AFAICT:

  1. Fork this repo to your own account and link it to the app then you can deploy from the web ui. But this (a) creates some garbage in your account and (b) you will have to keep the fork updated manually.

  2. Install the Heroku CLI (unless you already have it), checkout this repo locally, use the heroku cli to setup the git remote and then git push heroku master to the app.

  3. If you can make a copy of the env vars, then you could destroy and re-create the app from the button though using the same name. That's kind of a pain though, so unless you are really against using some CLI commands I would suggest (2).

We (Heroku) do have a user story to make a button to make this easier (updating button apps deployed from public 3rd party repositories). It's not prioritized ATM though.

@freeformz Thank you very much!