flesler / jquery.localScroll

Animated anchor navigation made easy with jQuery

Home Page:http://demos.flesler.com/jquery/localScroll/

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ITS NOT WORK: $target.is(':animated') AND $target.stop(true)

VeX78rus opened this issue · comments

its worked "$target.stop(true)" if only "target: window" or if the change on "$(this).stop(true)".
what to do with it I did not understand "$target.is(':animated')"

Please don't create more issues when you already reported in #39. Let's continue the conversation there

you write:

31 target: window, // What to scroll (selector or element). The whole window by default.

I use the animation of a selector " target: 'body' " and its not work:

86 if (settings.stop) {
87 $target.stop(true); // remove all its animations
88 }

all time $target.stop(true) = false
animation creates a long queue when pressed several times
it seems to me I expressed myself quite clearly?