flavorly / vanilla-components

A lightweight, flexible & customizable UI library for Vue 3, styled with Tailwind CSS.

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Toggle active/inactive states push content down

rukshn opened this issue · comments


When changing the state of the toggle, the content is pushed up/down by 4px. See the attached screen recording.

Thanks for the issue buddy! :) ill look into this, i believe this only happens on the preview, but im gonna have a look.

Hi @nikuscs, unfortunately no, I was using the toggle component for my work and it also happens there. I added the recording from the preview to elaborate it. I tried going though the component but can't seem to find the cause of the issue as well.

@rukshn On it! :) Should have this ready today!

Oops, sorry, should be available in the next tagged release :) 0.7.11
Please let me know @rukshn

The bug happpened becasue there was no icon on the "negative" state , so when you toggle to true, it would jump to fill space for the new icon.

So now both states should have the icons as they should, there is now also a new prop "icon" that you can set to disable both icons.