flaviofat / mutant

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Magneto wants to recruit as many mutants as possible to fight against the X-Men. He has hired you to develop a project that detects if a Human is mutant based on its DNA sequence.

Environment setup

  • Install Java 8.
  • Install Mysql v5.x
  • Install Maven


  • Clone the code in github
  • After clone, access project archives and alter the user and password of database in the file application.yml
  • In your mysql, create database " mutant "
  • Use 8080 port
  • In terminal, access the project place and execute the command " mvn clean install "

OBS.: This project uses FlyWay dbMigration, if you want to see the db creation script, please view the following file resources/development/db/migration/V1__Init.sql


URL local: http://localhost:8080/

URL in Amazon: http://mutant-env.ppnvsupnng.us-east-2.elasticbeanstalk.com


Verify mutant DNA Request:

POST /mutants Request body (exemple mutant DNA):


Response: 200 OK

Request body (exemple human DNA):


Response: 403 Forbidden

Statistics Request:

GET /stats Response: 200 (application/json)

    "count_mutant_dna": 3,
    "count_human_dna": 2,
    "ratio": 1.5

OBS.: See all the services available in this API in a simplified way using Swagger, just access the "/swagger-ui.html" of this application, ex: http://mutant-env.ppnvsupnng.us-east-2.elasticbeanstalk.com/swagger-ui.html

Project creator

Developer Flavio Augusto Teixeira.



Language:Java 100.0%