flauwekeul / honeycomb

Create hex grids easily, in node or the browser.

Home Page:https://abbekeultjes.nl/honeycomb

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

How do I loop through every hex of my grid (especially the first) ?

MonsieurBibo opened this issue · comments

foremost, thank you, @flauwekeul for this library, even if the TS rewrite isn't done it is already looking great. I needed to interact with hexagons in JS, and your package seems the best available on NPM.

However, I'm facing a problem.
I'm trying to display a grid of hexes with the help of PIXI.JS. However, when doing so, the first hex isn't going through the each method (it is normal by default). That causes me an issue as I want to fill every hexagon on my grid. I tried using the start: [0,0] but it didn't work.

I thought of a hacky solution: create a line of x+1 elements and offsetting it of 1 to the left, then create a rectangle with y-1 rows. That works, but I need to modify a bit my data in order to have that first “invisible” element.

How could I write this properly ?

Thanks in advance.

P.S. I'm using 4.0.0-alpha.5

Hi. Can you show some code? It should work 😕

No problem.

I'm using :

 "svelte": "^3.44.0",
 "typescript": "^4.5.4",
 "vite": "^2.9.9",
 "honeycomb-grid": "4.0.0-alpha.5",
 "pixi.js": "^6.3.2"

Here is a simpler version of my code :

  import * as PIXI from "pixi.js";
  import {
  } from "honeycomb-grid";

  (async () => {
    const div = document.querySelector("#app");
    const app = new PIXI.Application({
      resizeTo: div as HTMLElement, 
      backgroundAlpha: 0,
      antialias: true,
      autoDensity: true,
      resolution: 3,
    const graphics = new PIXI.Graphics();
    if (div.children.length == 0) {

    graphics.lineStyle({ width: 1});

    const hexPrototype = createHexPrototype({
      dimensions: 12,
      origin: "topLeft",

    const grid = new Grid(
      rectangle({ start: [0, 0], width: 5, height: 5 })
      .each((hex) => {
        let polygon = new PIXI.Polygon(
          { x: hex.corners[0].x, y: hex.corners[0].y },
          { x: hex.corners[1].x, y: hex.corners[1].y },
          { x: hex.corners[2].x, y: hex.corners[2].y },
          { x: hex.corners[3].x, y: hex.corners[3].y },
          { x: hex.corners[4].x, y: hex.corners[4].y },
          { x: hex.corners[5].x, y: hex.corners[5].y }
        ); // 🤮

        graphics.drawPolygon(polygon).beginFill(0xff3ff3f); // red

Here is the result :


Well, I tried to use SVG.js instead, and it worked ! I have now much better performances and no issue with the first tile