flashbots / mev-research

Project management for MEV Research

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Network overhead for community

obadiaa opened this issue · comments


Data collection and analysis of Ethereum data in order to quantify the negative externalities caused by current techniques used for MEV-extraction as part of the effort to answer Flashbot Research Question 1.

Research Question: Flashbot Research Question 1.

Proposed deliverable:

  • Percent of blockspace wasted over time
  • What is the overhead of a single arb / PGA transaction?
  • What is the overhead for a miner? What is the overhead for a full node? How do we measure waste?
  • What happens to the p2p network / full nodes with much more priority auctions?
  • How many (arb) txs broadcast first time in a block?
  • How much worse is this in a stateless world? Or other proof-required-for-tx schemes?
  • How many deletions? How many messages came in we already saw (duplication)?
  • How spammy are various bots compared to other users? How much more duplication?
  • Competition: # of bots per opportunity

Very good questions. These measurements will also depend on the number of TCP connections the measuring node(s) maintain, I would therefore recommend to include such numbers to normalize the results.

Closing in favor of future FRP-2 on Measuring MEV #40. Take into account this list for that FRP.