flame / blis

BLAS-like Library Instantiation Software Framework

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

getting error as illegal instruction

garadeaniket opened this issue · comments

Hi ,
After running the ./a.out after compiling the example codes on a64fx using gcc 04level3.c -I /path/to/include/ -L /path/to/lib/ -lblis -lm , i am getting "Illegal instruction(core dumped) error.

Kindly help to resolve the error

Ah, I see you did submit an issue. Reposting from Discord:

Please include the specific version of BLIS used (release number or git commit ID). It would also be helpful if you could:

  1. Configure and build blis using ./configure -dopt a64fx
  2. Build your example program using gcc -g
  3. Run with gdb, gdb ./a.out and enter the following commands:
    1. r to start the program it should run until the illegal instruction error occurs
    2. bt to get a backtrace. Please send this information.
    3. disas this will output a disassembly. You will need the press enter until you get to a page with => to mark the current instruction. Please send this page of output.

Technically 3.iii) can be done on an optimized binary or from the core dump.

Blis version used : blis-0.9.0 , I have also attached the backtrace and dissassemble output after running gdb for blis example 04level3.c.

It looks like you need to add CFLAGS="-DCACHE_SECTOR_SIZE_READONLY" to the flags passed to configure. E.g. ./configure -tomp CFLAGS="-DCACHE_SECTOR_SIZE_READONLY" a64fx.

Its working .. Thankyou