flame / blis

BLAS-like Library Instantiation Software Framework

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One question when compiling source code in linux arm arch

Hins opened this issue · comments

since my dev machine is arm arch, i installed blis by source code other than pip command.
I changed [return "x86_64"] with return "generic" in setup.py file, meanwhile remove gcc compiler options in x86 arch, such as "-mfpmath"、"-mavx" and others.
I can't find "blis/cy.c" file during compiling, the commd is gcc -pthread -Wno-unused-result -Wsign-compare -DNDEBUG -g -fwrapv -O3 -Wall -fPIC -fPIC -I/home/sjt/xtpan/python3_exp/bin/blis-0.7.0/include -I/home/sjt/xtpan/python3_exp/bin/blis-0.7.0/blis/_src/include/linux-generic -I/home/sjt/xtpan/python3_exp/include/python3.7m -c blis/cy.c -o build/temp.linux-aarch64-cpython-37/blis/cy.o -std=c99.
Thanks in advance.

To install BLIS from source, you should probably avoid using the PIP distribution files. Here are some simple steps:

  1. git clone https://github.com/flame/blis && cd blis
  2. ./configure -tomp auto This uses OpenMP for threading which is probably what you want
  3. make && make install
  4. You can also run make check to make sure everything is working properly.

Perhaps @Hins is referring to this PyPI installer project whose code should lie elsewhere.
Guessing from the explanations there, what you should do is:

BLIS_ARCH="cortexa57" pip install spacy --no-binary blis

If that doesn't compile, this repo shall be the place to raise an issue.