flamarion / terraform-aws-rds

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

AWS RDS (Auroraå) Module

This module is intended to create a RDS Cluster (Aurora) with the following components.

  • RDS Cluster
  • RDS Instance Cluster

This modules provides a non publicly accessible cluster, so a DB Subnet Group must be created in the VPC to be able deploy this module.

If you need more detailed configuration inside a VPC I recommend you use the official terraform module for AWS VPC


Input Variables

Name Type Mandatory Default Value Description
apply_immediately bool no true Apply changes immediately
availability_zones list(string) yes [] List of availability zones
cluster_identifier string no "" String to identify the DB Cluster
database_name string no "" Database Name
db_subnet_group string yes "" DB Subnet Group Name
engine string yes "aurora-postgresql" Postgresql, Mysql, Aurora
master_password string no "SuperS3cret" Database master password
master_username string yes "" Database master username
skip_final_snapshot bool no true If set false the final snapshot need to be removed before remove the cluster
vpc_security_group_ids list(string) no [] List of VPC security group ids
identifier string no "" Identifier for the DB instance in the cluster
instance_class string yes "db.t3.medium" Database Instance size
db_tags map(string no {} Database tags
replica_count number no 1 Number of replicas in the cluster


The outputs available are the following

Name Description
endpoint The endpoint address to access the DB
port Database Port
db_name Database Name
db_user Database master username
db_pass Database master password


The full example can be found in Examples directory.





Language:HCL 100.0%