Flakebi / geobacter-about

What is Geobacter?

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The Geobacter Rust Compiler and Runtime 🚧

This repository houses info about Geobacter; how to use it, how all these repositories fit together, and how Geobacter (ab)uses the Rust compiler to support its magic.

What is Geobacter?

Geobacter is a framework to support single source accelerator programming, without requiring compiling from source twice. However, Geobacter is not a JIT; the expectation is that kernels are invoked repeatedly and are possibly also expensive to run. In fact, due to the nature of single function kernels, Geobacter enables a number of LLVM options which would too costly to run for all crates.

The name Geobacter comes from the first discovered bacteria which can oxidize organic components using iron oxide as an electron acceptor.

Currently, AMDGPU and HPC is the focus. In the future, support for generating eBPF functions will be added. Later, HLS will be supported.

How does this work?

In the Rust type system, every fn is given a unique type. Thus, we can refer to a function definition just by its type. In our Rust fork, we use special driver-defined intrinsic functions to essentially return a form of the Rust compiler's ty::Instance<'_>, along with other info specific to the desired target (for example, to support SPIR-V pipeline descriptions)

At runtime, we respool the compiler driver (into the runtime driver) using metadata from every dependency. We then lookup the real DefId and, through some compiler provider API tricks, get the LLVM codegen crate to generate IR for the corresponding function and all of its dependencies. To be clear though, this is not a JIT, and is ill-suited to JIT-esk things; for instance, we enable extra LLVM optimizations, like Polly as well as increase the optimization search space. Thus, while the optimizations are relatively fast, for the purposes of a JIT, they are too slow.

There is an in process cache, in the form of compiler generated statics, so kernels aren't codegenned more than once per accelerator target.

Status (ie what does and doesn't work)

Generally, everything up to LLVM optimizations works for all targets. Getting an id for a specific function at compile time works. At runtime, loading every crate's metadata and using that to set up a pseudo Rust driver works, as well taking the aforementioned function id and running codegen for it including optimizations and (if applicable) sending it to a target machine a second time works.


This target works out of the box, though dispatch requires some unsafety as the design is still settling down.


  • Device side signals (for finer grained resource management)

  • Device side qeueus (for device side enqueue) Requires casting the signal/queue handle to a AMD specifc signal/queue structure, which is probably internal impl detail. Must also implement the hsa_signal_* and hsa_queue_* functions in Rust. See hsaqs.cl.

  • Device side allocation.

  • Texture/Image support. Currently only "raw" buffers are usable.


This target isn't receiving any support ATM, and is currently broken. SPIRV and LLVM aren't really ready for each other. Maybe someday!

How to get the toolchain?

ATM, we don't have prebuilt compilers for you to download, let alone the ability to download directly from rustup.

So you'll need to build the Rust toolchain yourself. See BUILD.md.

TODO 🚧 offer prebuilt packages.

How do I code with this?

See CODING.md! :^)

Who is working on this?

Vitality Studios offers paid support to help you accelerate your applications! We are available for hire; inquires should be made to dick(at)vitalitystudios.com.

New contributors are absolutely welcome.


What is Geobacter?