fkhadra / react-contexify

👌 Add a context menu to your react app with ease

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Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'preventDefault')

vaynevayne opened this issue · comments

And antd table don't work well. I found that antd's onContextMenu has e.preventDefault.

  const { show } = useContextMenu({
    id: MENU_ID,
          onRow={(record) => {
            return {
              onContextMenu: (e) => {
                console.log('e', e.preventDefault);
 <Menu id={MENU_ID}>
        <Item onClick={handleItemClick}>Item 1</Item>
        <Item onClick={handleItemClick}>Item 2</Item>
        <Separator />
        <Item disabled>Disabled</Item>
        <Separator />
        <Submenu label="Submenu">
          <Item onClick={handleItemClick}>Sub Item 1</Item>
          <Item onClick={handleItemClick}>Sub Item 2</Item>

reason is demo docs bug