fjrdomingues / autopilot

Code Autopilot, a tool that uses GPT to read a codebase, create context and solve tasks.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Exclude binary files

fjrdomingues opened this issue · comments


Background story explaining the current situation:
I had a situation where autopilot was looking for .ts files and it found a file that was actually a video (a binary), causing an error.

Find a way to exclude binaries files in the functions that retrieve files in the repo to get the files content and to create summaries.

To exclude binary files in the functions that retrieve files in the repo, you can use the isbinaryfile package to check if a file is binary or not. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Install the isbinaryfile package by running:
npm install isbinaryfile
  1. In the modules/fsInput.js file, update the getFilePaths function as follows:
const { isBinaryFileSync } = require("isbinaryfile");

function getFilePaths(dir) {
	const files = fs.readdirSync(dir);
	const projectFiles = [];

	for (const file of files) {
		const filePath = path.posix.join(dir, file);
		const stats = fs.statSync(filePath);

		if (stats.isDirectory() && !ignoreList.includes(file)) {
		} else if (fileExtensionsToProcess.includes(path.extname(filePath))) {
			// Check if the file is not a binary file
			if (!isBinaryFileSync(filePath)) {

	return projectFiles;

By using the isbinaryfile package, the getFilePaths function will now exclude binary files when retrieving files in the repo, thus preventing errors caused by processing binary files.