fjogeleit / trivy-operator-polr-adapter

Creates PolicyReports based on the different Trivy Operator CRDs like VulnerabilityReports

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Trivy Node Scanner `ClusterInfraAssessmentReport`

sherifkayad opened this issue · comments

Hello @fjogeleit 👋

Seems like the Trivy Operator with recent versions enabled something new scanning the Kubernetes Nodes (with the so-called Node Scanner) and producing a ClusterInfraAssessmentReport.

I noticed that this type isn't converted by the adapter to a ClusterPolicy.

An example of this report in the Trivy World (click to expand)
  kind: ClusterInfraAssessmentReport
  creationTimestamp: '2023-03-17T09:45:18Z'
  generation: 1
      plugin-config-hash: 659b7b9c46
      resource-spec-hash: 54fcfbd8c7
      trivy-operator.resource.kind: Node
      trivy-operator.resource.namespace: ''
      - apiVersion:
      fieldsType: FieldsV1
              .: {}
              f:plugin-config-hash: {}
              f:resource-spec-hash: {}
              f:trivy-operator.resource.kind: {}
              f:trivy-operator.resource.namespace: {}
              .: {}
              k:{"uid":"1cbb23e1-e749-490d-be02-ccb94e015e9f"}: {}
          .: {}
          f:checks: {}
              .: {}
              f:name: {}
              f:vendor: {}
              f:version: {}
              .: {}
              f:criticalCount: {}
              f:highCount: {}
              f:lowCount: {}
              f:mediumCount: {}
      manager: trivy-operator
      operation: Update
      time: '2023-03-17T09:45:18Z'
      - apiVersion: v1
      blockOwnerDeletion: false
      controller: true
      kind: Node
      uid: 1cbb23e1-e749-490d-be02-ccb94e015e9f
  resourceVersion: '25537871'
  uid: c1da64c6-7480-4dea-aa43-562aa2953117
  selfLink: >-
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0027
      description: Setup TLS connection on the API server.
          - ''
      severity: LOW
      success: true
      title: >-
          Ensure that the --tls-cert-file and --tls-private-key-file arguments are
          set as appropriate
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0001
      description: Disable anonymous requests to the API server.
          - ''
      severity: MEDIUM
      success: true
      title: Ensure that the --anonymous-auth argument is set to false
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0083
      description: >-
          Protect tuned kernel parameters from overriding kubelet default kernel
          parameter values.
          - Ensure that the --protect-kernel-defaults is set to true
      severity: HIGH
      success: false
      title: Ensure that the --protect-kernel-defaults is set to true
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0071
      description: >-
          If kube-proxy is running, and if it is using a file-based kubeconfig
          file, ensure that the proxy kubeconfig file has permissions of 600 or
          more restrictive.
          - ''
      severity: HIGH
      success: true
      title: >-
          If proxy kubeconfig file exists ensure permissions are set to 600 or
          more restrictive
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0072
      description: >-
          If kube-proxy is running, ensure that the file ownership of its
          kubeconfig file is set to root:root.
          - ''
      severity: HIGH
      success: true
      title: if proxy kubeconfig file exists ensure ownership is set to root:root
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0063
      description: Ensure that the scheduler config  file ownership is set to root:root.
          - ''
      severity: HIGH
      success: true
      title: Ensure that the scheduler config  file ownership is set to root:root
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0034
      description: Disable profiling, if not needed.
          - ''
      severity: LOW
      success: true
      title: Ensure that the --profiling argument is set to false
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0016
      description: Limit the Node and Pod objects that a kubelet could modify.
          - ''
      severity: LOW
      success: true
      title: Ensure that the admission control plugin NodeRestriction is set
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0046
      description: etcd should be configured for peer authentication.
          - ''
      severity: LOW
      success: true
      title: Ensure that the --peer-client-cert-auth argument is set to true
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0070
      description: Ensure that the kubelet service file ownership is set to root:root.
          - ''
      severity: CRITICAL
      success: true
      title: Ensure that the kubelet service file ownership is set to root:root
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0087
      description: >-
          Security relevant information should be captured. The --event-qps flag
          on the Kubelet can be used to limit the rate at which events are
          - ''
      severity: HIGH
      success: true
      title: >-
          Ensure that the --event-qps argument is set to 0 or a level which
          ensures appropriate event capture
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0004
      description: Use https for kubelet connections.
          - ''
      severity: LOW
      success: true
      title: Ensure that the --kubelet-https argument is set to true
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0048
      description: >-
          Ensure that the API server pod specification file has permissions of 600
          or more restrictive.
          - ''
      severity: HIGH
      success: true
      title: >-
          Ensure that the API server pod specification file permissions are set to
          600 or more restrictive
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0015
      description: Reject creating objects in a namespace that is undergoing termination.
          - ''
      severity: LOW
      success: true
      title: Ensure that the admission control plugin NamespaceLifecycle is set
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0017
      description: Do not disable the secure port.
          - ''
      severity: LOW
      success: true
      title: Ensure that the --secure-port argument is not set to 0
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0086
      description: Do not override node hostnames.
          - ''
      severity: HIGH
      success: true
      title: Ensure that the --hostname-override argument is not set
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0028
      description: Setup TLS connection on the API server.
          - ''
      severity: LOW
      success: true
      title: Ensure that the --client-ca-file argument is set as appropriate
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0092
      description: >-
          Ensure that the Kubelet is configured to only use strong cryptographic
          - Ensure that the Kubelet only makes use of Strong Cryptographic Ciphers
      severity: CRITICAL
      success: false
      title: Ensure that the Kubelet only makes use of Strong Cryptographic Ciphers
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0049
      description: >-
          Ensure that the API server pod specification file ownership is set to
          - ''
      severity: HIGH
      success: true
      title: >-
          Ensure that the API server pod specification file ownership is set to
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0042
      description: Configure TLS encryption for the etcd service.
          - ''
      severity: LOW
      success: true
      title: >-
          Ensure that the --cert-file and --key-file arguments are set as
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0002
      description: Do not use token based authentication.
          - ''
      severity: LOW
      success: true
      title: Ensure that the --token-auth-file parameter is not set
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0021
      description: Retain 10 or an appropriate number of old log files.
          - ''
      severity: LOW
      success: true
      title: >-
          Ensure that the --audit-log-maxbackup argument is set to 10 or as
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0085
      description: Do not disable timeouts on streaming connections.
          - ''
      severity: HIGH
      success: true
      title: >-
          Ensure that the --streaming-connection-idle-timeout argument is not set
          to 0
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0024
      description: Validate service account before validating token.
          - ''
      severity: LOW
      success: true
      title: Ensure that the --service-account-lookup argument is set to true
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0062
      description: >-
          Ensure that the scheduler config file has permissions of 600 or more
          - ''
      severity: HIGH
      success: true
      title: >-
          Ensure that the scheduler config file permissions are set to 600 or more
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0084
      description: Allow Kubelet to manage iptables.
          - ''
      severity: HIGH
      success: true
      title: Ensure that the --make-iptables-util-chains argument is set to true
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0090
      description: Enable kubelet client certificate rotation.
          - Ensure that the --rotate-certificates argument is not set to false
      severity: HIGH
      success: false
      title: Ensure that the --rotate-certificates argument is not set to false
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0050
      description: >-
          Ensure that the controller manager pod specification file has
          permissions of 600 or more restrictive.
          - ''
      severity: HIGH
      success: true
      title: >-
          Ensure that the controller manager pod specification file permissions
          are set to 600 or more restrictive
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0006
      description: Verify kubelet's certificate before establishing connection.
          - ''
      severity: LOW
      success: true
      title: >-
          Ensure that the --kubelet-certificate-authority argument is set as
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0029
      description: >-
          etcd should be configured to make use of TLS encryption for client
          - ''
      severity: LOW
      success: true
      title: Ensure that the --etcd-cafile argument is set as appropriate
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0040
      description: Disable profiling, if not needed.
          - ''
      severity: LOW
      success: true
      title: Ensure that the --profiling argument is set to false
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0018
      description: Disable profiling, if not needed.
          - ''
      severity: LOW
      success: true
      title: Ensure that the --profiling argument is set to false
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0060
      description: >-
          Ensure that the admin config file has permissions of 600 or more
          - ''
      severity: CRITICAL
      success: true
      title: >-
          Ensure that the admin config file permissions are set to 600 or more
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0011
      description: Do not allow all requests.
          - ''
      severity: LOW
      success: true
      title: Ensure that the admission control plugin AlwaysAdmit is not set
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0068
      description: >-
          Ensure that the Kubernetes PKI certificate file permission is set to
          - ''
      severity: HIGH
      success: true
      title: Ensure that the Kubernetes PKI certificate file permission is set to 600
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0045
      description: >-
          etcd should be configured to make use of TLS encryption for peer
          - ''
      severity: LOW
      success: true
      title: >-
          Ensure that the --peer-cert-file and --peer-key-file arguments are set
          as appropriate
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0030
      description: Encrypt etcd key-value store.
          - ''
      severity: LOW
      success: true
      title: >-
          Ensure that the --encryption-provider-config argument is set as
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0079
      description: Disable anonymous requests to the Kubelet server.
          - Ensure that the --anonymous-auth argument is set to false
      severity: CRITICAL
      success: false
      title: Ensure that the --anonymous-auth argument is set to false
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0058
      description: >-
          Ensure that the etcd data directory has permissions of 700 or more
          - ''
      severity: LOW
      success: true
      title: >-
          Ensure that the etcd data directory permissions are set to 700 or more
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0088
      description: Setup TLS connection on the Kubelets.
          - Ensure that the --tls-cert-file argument are set as appropriate
      severity: CRITICAL
      success: false
      title: Ensure that the --tls-cert-file argument are set as appropriate
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0055
      description: >-
          Ensure that the etcd pod specification file ownership is set to
          - ''
      severity: HIGH
      success: true
      title: >-
          Ensure that the etcd pod specification file ownership is set to
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0091
      description: Enable kubelet server certificate rotation.
          - Verify that the RotateKubeletServerCertificate argument is set to true
      severity: HIGH
      success: false
      title: Verify that the RotateKubeletServerCertificate argument is set to true
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0065
      description: >-
          Ensure that the controller-manager config  file ownership is set to
          - ''
      severity: HIGH
      success: true
      title: >-
          Ensure that the controller-manager config  file ownership is set to
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0037
      description: >-
          Allow pods to verify the API server's serving certificate before
          establishing connections.
          - ''
      severity: LOW
      success: true
      title: Ensure that the --root-ca-file argument is set as appropriate
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0064
      description: >-
          Ensure that the controller-manager config file has permissions of 600 or
          more restrictive.
          - ''
      severity: HIGH
      success: true
      title: >-
          Ensure that the controller-manager config file permissions are set to
          600 or more restrictive
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0051
      description: >-
          Ensure that the controller manager pod specification file ownership is
          set to root:root.
          - ''
      severity: HIGH
      success: true
      title: >-
          Ensure that the controller manager pod specification file ownership is
          set to root:root
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0080
      description: Do not allow all requests. Enable explicit authorization.
          - >-
          Ensure that the --authorization-mode argument is not set to
      severity: HIGH
      success: false
      title: Ensure that the --authorization-mode argument is not set to AlwaysAllow
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0007
      description: Do not always authorize all requests.
          - ''
      severity: LOW
      success: true
      title: Ensure that the --authorization-mode argument is not set to AlwaysAllow
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0019
      description: >-
          Enable auditing on the Kubernetes API Server and set the desired audit
          log path.
          - ''
      severity: LOW
      success: true
      title: Ensure that the --audit-log-path argument is set
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0053
      description: >-
          Ensure that the scheduler pod specification file ownership is set to
          - ''
      severity: HIGH
      success: true
      title: >-
          Ensure that the scheduler pod specification file ownership is set to
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0013
      description: >-
          The SecurityContextDeny admission controller can be used to deny pods
          which make use of some SecurityContext fields which could allow for
          privilege escalation in the cluster. This should be used where
          PodSecurityPolicy is not in place within the cluster.
          - ''
      severity: LOW
      success: true
      title: >-
          Ensure that the admission control plugin SecurityContextDeny is set if
          PodSecurityPolicy is not used
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0074
      description: Ensure that the kubelet.conf file ownership is set to root:root.
          - ''
      severity: HIGH
      success: true
      title: >-
          Ensure that the --kubeconfig kubelet.conf file ownership is set to
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0010
      description: Limit the rate at which the API server accepts requests.
          - ''
      severity: LOW
      success: true
      title: Ensure that the admission control plugin EventRateLimit is set
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0056
      description: >-
          Ensure that the container network interface file has permissions of 600
          or more restrictive.
          - ''
      severity: HIGH
      success: true
      title: >-
          Ensure that the container network interface file permissions are set to
          600 or more restrictive
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0009
      description: Turn on Role Based Access Control.
          - ''
      severity: LOW
      success: true
      title: Ensure that the --authorization-mode argument includes RBAC
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0135
      description: Use individual service account credentials for each controller.
          - ''
      severity: LOW
      success: true
      title: >-
          Ensure that the --use-service-account-credentials argument is set to
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0026
      description: >-
          etcd should be configured to make use of TLS encryption for client
          - ''
      severity: LOW
      success: true
      title: >-
          Ensure that the --etcd-certfile and --etcd-keyfile arguments are set as
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0014
      description: Automate service accounts management.
          - ''
      severity: LOW
      success: true
      title: Ensure that the admission control plugin ServiceAccount is set
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0067
      description: Ensure that the Kubernetes PKI key file permission is set to 600.
          - ''
      severity: CRITICAL
      success: true
      title: Ensure that the Kubernetes PKI key file permission is set to 600
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0008
      description: Restrict kubelet nodes to reading only objects associated with them.
          - ''
      severity: LOW
      success: true
      title: Ensure that the --authorization-mode argument includes Node
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0025
      description: >-
          Explicitly set a service account public key file for service accounts on
          the apiserver.
          - ''
      severity: LOW
      success: true
      title: >-
          Ensure that the --service-account-key-file argument is set as
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0059
      description: Ensure that the etcd data directory ownership is set to etcd:etcd.
          - ''
      severity: LOW
      success: true
      title: Ensure that the etcd data directory ownership is set to etcd:etcd
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0005
      description: Enable certificate based kubelet authentication.
          - ''
      severity: LOW
      success: true
      title: >-
          Ensure that the --kubelet-client-certificate and --kubelet-client-key
          arguments are set as appropriate
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0069
      description: >-
          Ensure that the kubelet service file has permissions of 600 or more
          - ''
      severity: HIGH
      success: true
      title: >-
          Ensure that the kubelet service file permissions are set to 600 or more
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0038
      description: Enable kubelet server certificate rotation on controller-manager.
          - ''
      severity: LOW
      success: true
      title: Ensure that the RotateKubeletServerCertificate argument is set to true
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0036
      description: >-
          Explicitly set a service account private key file for service accounts
          on the controller manager.
          - ''
      severity: LOW
      success: true
      title: >-
          Ensure that the --service-account-private-key-file argument is set as
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0078
      description: >-
          Ensure that if the kubelet refers to a configuration file with the
          --config argument, that file is owned by root:root.
          - ''
      severity: HIGH
      success: true
      title: >-
          If the kubelet config.yaml configuration file is being used validate
          file ownership is set to root:root 
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0061
      description: Ensure that the admin config  file ownership is set to root:root.
          - ''
      severity: CRITICAL
      success: true
      title: Ensure that the admin config  file ownership is set to root:root
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0047
      description: Do not use self-signed certificates for TLS.
          - ''
      severity: LOW
      success: true
      title: Ensure that the --peer-auto-tls argument is not set to true
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0033
      description: Activate garbage collector on pod termination, as appropriate.
          - ''
      severity: LOW
      success: true
      title: >-
          Ensure that the --terminated-pod-gc-threshold argument is set as
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0057
      description: >-
          Ensure that the container network interface file ownership is set to
          - ''
      severity: HIGH
      success: true
      title: >-
          Ensure that the container network interface file ownership is set to
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0077
      description: >-
          Ensure that if the kubelet refers to a configuration file with the
          --config argument, that file has permissions of 600 or more restrictive.
          - ''
      severity: HIGH
      success: true
      title: >-
          If the kubelet config.yaml configuration file is being used validate
          permissions set to 600 or more restrictive
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0089
      description: Setup TLS connection on the Kubelets.
          - Ensure that the --tls-key-file argument are set as appropriate
      severity: CRITICAL
      success: false
      title: Ensure that the --tls-key-file argument are set as appropriate
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0020
      description: Retain the logs for at least 30 days or as appropriate.
          - ''
      severity: LOW
      success: true
      title: >-
          Ensure that the --audit-log-maxage argument is set to 30 or as
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0041
      description: Do not bind the scheduler service to non-loopback insecure addresses.
          - ''
      severity: LOW
      success: true
      title: Ensure that the --bind-address argument is set to
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0043
      description: Enable client authentication on etcd service.
          - ''
      severity: LOW
      success: true
      title: Ensure that the --client-cert-auth argument is set to true
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0039
      description: Do not bind the scheduler service to non-loopback insecure addresses.
          - ''
      severity: LOW
      success: true
      title: Ensure that the --bind-address argument is set to
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0075
      description: >-
          Ensure that the certificate authorities file has permissions of 600 or
          more restrictive.
          - ''
      severity: CRITICAL
      success: true
      title: >-
          Ensure that the certificate authorities file permissions are set to 600
          or more restrictive
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0022
      description: Rotate log files on reaching 100 MB or as appropriate.
          - ''
      severity: LOW
      success: true
      title: >-
          Ensure that the --audit-log-maxsize argument is set to 100 or as
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0052
      description: >-
          Ensure that the scheduler pod specification file has permissions of 600
          or more restrictive.
          - ''
      severity: HIGH
      success: true
      title: >-
          Ensure that the scheduler pod specification file permissions are set to
          600 or more restrictive
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0081
      description: Enable Kubelet authentication using certificates.
          - Ensure that the --client-ca-file argument is set as appropriate
      severity: CRITICAL
      success: false
      title: Ensure that the --client-ca-file argument is set as appropriate
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0066
      description: >-
          Ensure that the Kubernetes PKI directory and file file ownership is set
          to root:root.
          - ''
      severity: CRITICAL
      success: true
      title: >-
          Ensure that the Kubernetes PKI directory and file file ownership is set
          to root:root
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0073
      description: >-
          Ensure that the kubelet.conf file has permissions of 600 or more
          - ''
      severity: HIGH
      success: true
      title: >-
          Ensure that the --kubeconfig kubelet.conf file permissions are set to
          600 or more restrictive
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0044
      description: Do not use self-signed certificates for TLS.
          - ''
      severity: LOW
      success: true
      title: Ensure that the --auto-tls argument is not set to true
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0054
      description: >-
          Ensure that the etcd pod specification file has permissions of 600 or
          more restrictive.
          - ''
      severity: HIGH
      success: true
      title: >-
          Ensure that the etcd pod specification file permissions are set to 600
          or more restrictive
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0003
      description: >-
          This admission controller rejects all net-new usage of the Service field
          - ''
      severity: LOW
      success: true
      title: Ensure that the --DenyServiceExternalIPs is not set
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0076
      description: >-
          Ensure that the certificate authorities file ownership is set to
          - ''
      severity: CRITICAL
      success: true
      title: >-
          Ensure that the client certificate authorities file ownership is set to
      - category: Kubernetes Security Check
      checkID: KCV0082
      description: Disable the read-only port.
          - Verify that the --read-only-port argument is set to 0
      severity: HIGH
      success: false
      title: Verify that the --read-only-port argument is set to 0
      name: Trivy
      vendor: Aqua Security
      version: 0.12.1
      criticalCount: 5
      highCount: 5
      lowCount: 0
      mediumCount: 0

Additional info:

  • I am running the latest POLR Adapter
  • The starting logs of the container are as follows:
    [INFO] ConfigAuditReports enabled
    [INFO] VulnerabilityReports enabled
    [INFO] ComplianceReports enabled
    [INFO] RbacAssessmentReports enabled
    [INFO] ExposedSecretReports enabled
    [INFO] InfraAssessmentReportClient enabled

hey, thanks for mentioning, I will have a look and add it with the next release.

btw seems like the POLR CRDs are now available in v1beta1 ( .. is there a plan to migrate to that as well? should I open a new issue?

I think this version is still discussed and not final, I will upgrade but not yet. I keep an eye on it.

Bildschirm­foto 2023-03-18 um 10 49 14

Support are added and released with v0.5.0. You can enable it with adapters.clusterInfraAssessmentReports.enabled

Since version 0.4.0 the adapters using the scope property to define the related resource once instead of repeating it in all results. This is not supported in older version of Policy Reporter. So ensure that you are using a helm chart version >= v2.17.0 - if you not already do.

Let me give it a spin tomorrow and get back to you. Thanks a lot 😌

works like a charm! thanks a lot

thanks for your feedback

Hey @sherifkayad, not related to this issue - but one question:

One of my goals this year is an rewrite / restructuring of Policy Reporter UI: kyverno/policy-reporter#222

I start looking for Users with different Use Cases of the UI to get an idea what could be improved. As a user of the UI together with the Trivy Operator integration it would be cool to get some feedback from you.

Not now or in the next weeks, I just want to start to plan it and prepare some kind of user interview / questions.

@fjogeleit I am totally in for it .. feel free to ping me at any time .. also you can use my email address .. I would love to participate in that survey

Thanks a lot, I will reach out to you