fjogeleit / trivy-operator-polr-adapter

Creates PolicyReports based on the different Trivy Operator CRDs like VulnerabilityReports

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Error Unsupported value: "critical"

yuriydzobak opened this issue · comments

I'm using trivy-operator version 0.8.0 and i got the issues

client.go:27: [ERROR] VulnerabilityReport: Failed to process report daemonset-cilium-clean-cilium-state; failed to create PolicyReport in namespace kube-system: "trivy-vuln-polr-daemonset-cilium" is invalid: results[1].severity: Unsupported value: "critical": supported values: "high", "low", "medium"
client.go:27: [ERROR] ClusterRbacAssessmentReport: Failed to process report clusterrole-trivy-operator; failed to create ClusterPolicyReport clusterrole-trivy-operator: "trivy-rbac-cpolr-clusterrole-trivy-operator" is invalid: results[0].severity: Unsupported value: "critical": supported values: "high", "low", "medium"

Hey, how do you installed the PolicyReport CRD? The severity values critical and info where added in the latest version of the CRD. Looks like you have to update them.

the values were added without an update of the actual CRD version

I used, the fluxCD, and seems i missed upgrade CRD
Let me check

I'm using kyverno 1.7.1 and it doesn't have it, the new one version has it
Thank you