fityannugroho / idn-area

API that provides information about Indonesia administrative area, based on the latest official data 🇮🇩

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Bring back MongoDB `id` property to API response

fityannugroho opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug

End-to-end testing fails after PR #307 if using MongoDB as the database provider. This happens because the new parent property (#307) that includes areas data (either Province, Regency, or District) contains id property which is brought from MongoDB.

Before this, the id property was removed automatically by the transformer TransformInterceptor (see the implementations in PR #179, #185, and #187).

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Just follow the installation guide and choose MongoDB as the database provider
  2. Run npm run test:e2e

Expected behavior

End-to-end testing successful without any errors.

Screenshots or Error logs

> idn-area@4.2.1 test:e2e
> vitest run --config ./vitest.config.e2e.ts

 RUN  v0.34.6 .../idn-area

 ❯ test/district.e2e-spec.ts  (9 tests | 1 failed) 5137ms
   ❯ test/district.e2e-spec.ts > District (e2e) > GET /districts/{code} > should return the district with the `code`
     → expected { Object (code, name, ...) } to deeply equal { code: '327325', …(3) }
 ❯ test/island.e2e-spec.ts  (10 tests | 1 failed) 5747ms
   ❯ test/island.e2e-spec.ts > Island (e2e) > GET /islands/{code} > should return the island with the `code`
     → expected { code: '110140001', …(8) } to deeply equal { code: '110140001', …(8) }
 ❯ test/village.e2e-spec.ts  (9 tests | 1 failed) 6684ms
   ❯ test/village.e2e-spec.ts > Village (e2e) > GET /villages/{code} > should return the village data if the `code` exists
     → expected { code: '3204052004', …(3) } to deeply equal { code: '3204052004', …(3) }
 ✓ test/app.e2e-spec.ts  (1 test) 72ms
 ✓ test/regency.e2e-spec.ts  (8 tests) 4188ms
 ✓ test/province.e2e-spec.ts  (8 tests) 3924ms

⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ Failed Tests 3 ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯

 FAIL  test/district.e2e-spec.ts > District (e2e) > GET /districts/{code} > should return the district with the `code`
AssertionError: expected { Object (code, name, ...) } to deeply equal { code: '327325', …(3) }

- Expected
+ Received

  Object {
    "code": "327325",
    "name": StringMatching /^[a-zA-Z0-9\-'.\\/() ]+$/,
    "parent": Object {
      "province": Object {
        "code": "32",
+       "id": "65dbcf93f3d15088058db400",
        "name": StringMatching /^(?!\s)(?!PROVINSI)[A-Z ]+$/,
      "regency": Object {
        "code": "3273",
+       "id": "65dbcf94f3d15088058db4cf",
        "name": StringMatching /^(?:KABUPATEN|KOTA)[A-Z ]+$/,
        "provinceCode": "32",
    "regencyCode": "3273",

 ❯ test/district.e2e-spec.ts:108:24
    106|       );
    108|       expect(district).toEqual({
       |                        ^
    109|         code: testCode,
    110|         name: expect.stringMatching(,


 FAIL  test/island.e2e-spec.ts > Island (e2e) > GET /islands/{code} > should return the island with the `code`
AssertionError: expected { code: '110140001', …(8) } to deeply equal { code: '110140001', …(8) }

- Expected
+ Received

  Object {
    "code": "110140001",
    "coordinate": StringMatching /^([0-8][0-9]|90)°([0-5][0-9]|60)'(([0-5][0-9].[0-9]{2})|60.00)"\s(N|S)\s(0\d{2}|1([0-7][0-9]|80))°([0-5][0-9]|60)'(([0-5][0-9].[0-9]{2})|60.00)"\s(E|W)$/,
    "isOutermostSmall": Any<Boolean>,
    "isPopulated": Any<Boolean>,
    "latitude": Any<Number>,
    "longitude": Any<Number>,
    "name": StringMatching /^[a-zA-Z0-9\-'/ ]+$/,
    "parent": Object {
      "province": Object {
        "code": "11",
+       "id": "65dbcf93f3d15088058db3f5",
        "name": StringMatching /^[a-zA-Z0-9\-'/ ]+$/,
      "regency": Object {
        "code": "1101",
+       "id": "65dbcf94f3d15088058db41b",
        "name": StringMatching /^(?:KABUPATEN|KOTA)[A-Z ]+$/,
        "provinceCode": "11",
    "regencyCode": "1101",

 ❯ test/island.e2e-spec.ts:136:22
    134|       const island = await tester.expectData<Island>(`${baseUrl}/${tes…
    136|       expect(island).toEqual({
       |                      ^
    137|         code: testCode,
    138|         coordinate: expect.stringMatching(islandRegex.coordinate),


 FAIL  test/village.e2e-spec.ts > Village (e2e) > GET /villages/{code} > should return the village data if the `code` exists
AssertionError: expected { code: '3204052004', …(3) } to deeply equal { code: '3204052004', …(3) }

- Expected
+ Received

  Object {
    "code": "3204052004",
    "districtCode": "320405",
    "name": StringMatching /^[a-zA-Z0-9\-'"’.*\\/() ]+$/,
    "parent": Object {
      "district": Object {
        "code": "320405",
+       "id": "65dbcf96f3d15088058dbe6e",
        "name": StringMatching /^[a-zA-Z0-9\-'.\\/() ]+$/,
        "regencyCode": "3204",
      "province": Object {
        "code": "32",
+       "id": "65dbcf93f3d15088058db400",
        "name": StringMatching /^(?!\s)(?!PROVINSI)[A-Z ]+$/,
      "regency": Object {
        "code": "3204",
+       "id": "65dbcf94f3d15088058db4be",
        "name": StringMatching /^(?:KABUPATEN|KOTA)[A-Z ]+$/,
        "provinceCode": "32",

 ❯ test/village.e2e-spec.ts:109:23
    107|       );
    109|       expect(village).toEqual({
       |                       ^
    110|         code: testCode,
    111|         name: expect.stringMatching(,


 Test Files  3 failed | 3 passed (6)
      Tests  3 failed | 42 passed (45)
   Start at  07:25:07
   Duration  11.88s (transform 103ms, setup 0ms, collect 4.96s, tests 25.75s, environment 1ms, prepare 477ms)


It gets more complicated if we have to delete the id property from all area data in parent property. Therefore, it will be better if we bring back the generated MongoDB id to the response. We just need to explain this MongoDB behavior in the documentation.