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WASM Release Build Does Nothing

zicklag opened this issue · comments


Making a release build for WASM will render the loading screen endlessly.

To Reproduce

  1. just build-release-web
  2. cd target/wasm-dist
  3. basic-http-server -x .
  4. Open http://localhost:4000 in your browser

Expected Behavior

The web page should load

Additional Context

The issue appears to be related to compiler optimizations. Some observations so far:

  • When I build with default release opt-level and debug_assertions = true it works
  • When I build a release with default options, it doesn't work
  • When it doesn't work, it doesn't do anything at all in Rust land it seems. Even putting a panic at the top of main() doesn't get a response.
  • One time, I can't remember how exactly, I was able to get it to throw an error that it was reaching an unreachable!() somewhere.

Log Messages

No response

Figured it out. It's the strip = true flag. I thought I tried removing that yesterday and it still didn't work, but I must have messed something up.

I'll open a fix.