fishfolk / punchy

A 2.5D side-scroller beatemup, made in Bevy

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Testing Fighter definition

odecay opened this issue · comments


I would like to introduce a player character fighter definition/asset in which animations for each attack/action are loaded from their own spritesheet instead of a single complete character spritesheet.

This will be used when testing unfinished "sketch" animations from our artists while in the process of developing upcoming attack system changes.

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Alright im working on this, trying to figure out how to make a TextureAtlas from multiple textures but also using TextureAtlas::from_grid() since the other alternative seems like it is specifying each texture offset/rect individually which seems like a pain for this usecase.

edit: ok it looks like this will not be a very fruitful path to go down, may have to rethink this. Bevy provides TextureAtlas and TextureAtlasBuilder apis for making texture atlases from a spritesheet or individual frames respectively but there doesn't seem to be consideration for slicing from spritesheets and combining from other spritesheets at the same time.

It wouldn't be way too difficult to use the image crate to combine multiple images into one before giving it to bevy and splitting it up by a grid, but I'm not sure if that's something we want to worry about right now, and it would increase loading times ( which might be fine if this is just for development ).